Category: Blogging A – Z Challenge 2023
Cruising Canaveral, Cococay, & Cozumel in the Caribbean on the Blogging A – Z Challenge
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23068 – 1093 Here’s the haps: Earlier this year we had an old-fashioned Gospel singing and preaching service with a group called the Apostolic Boys. They are going to be aboard this cruise that is designed for Christians, e.g., no bars, no gambling, etc. They passed out this…
Beloit, Wisconsin on the Blogging A – Z Challenge
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23067 – 1092 Here’s the haps: Beloit, Wisconsin. This one is an absolute. My wife was born here and one of her brothers is hosting a large family reunion here this summer. She will also get to see another brother whom she hasn’t seen in over twenty years.…
Atlanta, Georgia on the Blogging A – Z Challenge
(I made a list for this theme of places I would either like to visit or revisit sometime. There are places I will likely get to see or we have a trip planned or at least desired for the future. Some are a stretch and some are not and of…
April A to Z Challenge – My Theme Revealed
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23054 – 1084 My Dear and Beloved Fans, Friends, Fiends, foes, Foundlings, Excellent Esoteric Eccentrics, and just plain Folks,Greetings, Salutations, and Hi There. Here’s the haps: As you may or may not be aware I enjoy deadlines. As Douglas Adams said, “I love the whooshing sound they make…