Category: Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: F is for Favorite Things
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22706 – 955 Here’s the haps: As I wrote this parody of the song, My Favorite Things, sung by Julie Andrews, I thought about the star. You all know that I am no fan of the Hollyweird/entertainment industry but the individuals are people, too. A botched and what…
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: E Is For Easy
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22705 – 954 Here’s the haps: I wanted to do an easy post for today because I don’t have much time. So, I’ve decided it would be a piece of cake to take the easy way out. I mean, it’s almost summertime when the living is easy. It…
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: A, B, & C Are For Already-So-Soon-Again and Bacon and Coffee
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22704 – 953 Here’s the haps: If I had started the challenge on the correct day I would have started it by asking, “Already? So soon? Again?” It hardly seems like a year has gone by. Last year WordPress told me I had a streak going which I…
Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: D Is For Delayed Start & Dad
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22703 – 952 Here’s the haps: I was over at Jacqui Murray‘s blog, Word Dreams, and realized that I had missed the start of this year’s challenge. If you were unaware of her site it is well worth taking a look. She has stuff for educators, writers, stuff…