Category: Awards
Tag Me Tuesday – On Thursday – Lydia’s Questions & Cherie’s Questions
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22112-683: I was over at The Ineffable James Proclaims (I think he should rename his blog to reflect his adequacy as a blogger) this week and he has also created an award. Maybe not as positive as my Award-Winning Wednesday, he has created the snarkier Adequate Blogger…
Award Winning Wednesday – Sandra J at Into the Light Adventures
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22104-675: There are so many blogs and I try to visit as many as I can, it’s something I enjoy. One of my favorite types of blogs is a photo-blog. It interests me; the amount of artistic creation that can go into taking a picture. And every…
Tag Me Tuesday – Lisa Mae’s Questions
Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22103-674: Lisa Mae over at The Road Back To Life nominated me for an award. The Liebster, I think. Hold on, let me check. Yeah. Normally I would make some snarky remarks about these awards and being nominated but I have a lot of respect for Lisa.…
Award Winning Wednesday – Gerry O’Brien Photography
This turned out to be kind of more difficult than I first thought it would. I mean, there are a lot of great blogs out there and it’s hard to pick one. I gave consideration to putting the whole list into an excel spreadsheet and I still might do it.…
Award Winning Wednesday – Intro
The other day I gave a special award to the Dumbest Blogger. As I got to thinking about it after a while, I thought I could, in fact, create a blog award of my own. Not all this complicated nonsense with click-back and links and answer 947 questions and then…
A New Award
I was at The Dumbest Blog Ever – Stupidity on [Stare]oids and read his 12-word post, knowing full well that I hadn’t written anything for today yet. So, I pressed his “Reblog” button and I share with you the friendly post with which I was greeted: 244: You Haven’t Written…