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Category: Award Winning Wednesday

  • Award Winning Wednesday – G P Cox at Pacific Paratrooper

    Award Winning Wednesday – G P Cox at Pacific Paratrooper

    When I decided to do this weekly award I never really expected it to be so hard. Well, okay, I kind of did. I only read or look at blogs that have captured my attention for one reason or another. I am starting to realize that I may have bitten…

  • Award Winning Wednesday – Petra at Erratic Engineeress

    Award Winning Wednesday – Petra at Erratic Engineeress

    Again, this week’s selection was difficult to make. I read a lot of cool blogs of a wide variety of genres, none of whom need an award from me for validation and my criteria for choosing a blog for this award are pretty random. It’s just one that I follow…

  • Award Winning Wednesday – Gerry O’Brien Photography

    Award Winning Wednesday – Gerry O’Brien Photography

    This turned out to be kind of more difficult than I first thought it would. I mean, there are a lot of great blogs out there and it’s hard to pick one. I gave consideration to putting the whole list into an excel spreadsheet and I still might do it.…

  • Award Winning Wednesday – Intro

    Award Winning Wednesday – Intro

    The other day I gave a special award to the Dumbest Blogger. As I got to thinking about it after a while, I thought I could, in fact, create a blog award of my own. Not all this complicated nonsense with click-back and links and answer 947 questions and then…

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