Category: Award Winning Wednesday
Award Winning Wednesday – Herb Thinks Iseult Murphy Is Special & Would Like To Have Coffee Sometime
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22167 – 737: So, here’s the deal. I have blogs that I think everyone would, could, and should like but I also have blogs that I follow that maybe wouldn’t fit everyone’s taste. I either like the blog itself but understand that not everyone would like “that…
Award Winning Wednesday – Colin McQueen at Getting On
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22151 – 723: The other night Colin McQueen of the blog Getting On paid me a very high compliment indeed, when he said, “…Loved the poem. If I spoke with an American accent, I would hear myself talking.” Well, I took it as a compliment, anyway. He…
Award Winning Wednesday – Trev Jones at Silly Old Sod
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22145 – 717: When I started writing these award winning Wednesdays what I really wanted to do was recognize blogs that I just really like. The problem that I keep running into is there are so many cool blogs and nice people out there. I made it…
Award Winning Wednesday – Andi Diehn At Arrowheads Up The Hill
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22139 – 710: This is a blog I found by clicking one of those links that the WPReader adds at the bottom of a post, “More On” and sometimes, I would say, often, the blogs they take you to are really nothing like what you just…