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Category: Award Winning Wednesday

  • Award Winning Wednesday – Margy At Amusives

    Award Winning Wednesday – Margy At Amusives

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22999 – 1063 Really, Herb? You’re going to combine yesterday’s Bloguary prompt, How Do You Show Love and an Award Winning Wednesday? How does that work? Here’s the haps: As many of you, especially 𝚕̶𝚘̶𝚗̶𝚐̶𝚜̶𝚞̶𝚏̶𝚏̶𝚎̶𝚛̶𝚒̶𝚗̶𝚐̶ longtime readers will recall, I became jaded by and dreadfully weary of so-called…

  • Award Winning Wednesday – BOB at Bluebird Of Bitterness Blog

    Award Winning Wednesday – BOB at Bluebird Of Bitterness Blog

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22929 – 1017 Here’s the haps: Since I am back to blogging daily, at least for the time being, and have a regular posting schedule I want to go back to trying to do one of these posts a week. I have done around twenty-ish awards so far.…

  • Award Winning Wednesday – J. P. Cavanaugh at J. P.’s Blog

    Award Winning Wednesday – J. P. Cavanaugh at J. P.’s Blog

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22922 – 1009 Here’s the haps: When I was blogging daily and had a regular posting schedule of different features I always tried to do one of these posts a week. I have done around twenty-ish awards so far. A list can be found under my Award Winning…

  • Award Winning Wednesday – Michael Miller at The Tin Cup Clan

    Award Winning Wednesday – Michael Miller at The Tin Cup Clan

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22636 – 939 Here’s the haps: Hello My Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Foundlings, Frogs, Frontiersmen, and Fidgeters, See, this is what happens to me, I skip a day in a streak. “Herb, nobody’s going to miss you for one day.” But one day turns into a week,…

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