Category: Beliefs

  • Star Wars – Walmart – Adults

    I just finished reading Star Wars: the Revenge of the Sith. This is the novelization of the movie. I didn’t buy it and I’m glad, because it wouldn’t be worth the hardback price for it. Oh, stop, I didn’t steal it either. I was listening to a guy on the…

  • The New Porn

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  • Baby Dedication

    Baby Savannah was dedicated to the Lord yesterday. For those who do not know or understand this practice, let me explain. Babies were never baptized in the Scripture. In the Bible the only people who were baptized were those who understood what it meant to repent of your sins and…

  • Freedom of Speech on the WWW

    First, weight updates. Savannah now weighs 7 lbs 3 oz and I have lost 7 lbs. I am down to the weight I had started out at the last time I did this, which is 235. So, 7 lbs in approximately 4 weeks isn’t too bad. Margaret pointed out that…

  • Yesterday’s Sunday School Lesson

    I don’t really think it was child abuse. What? Oh. Well, in Sunday School this morning I was teaching the story of the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears in Luke 7:36-50. In those days people walked everywhere. Even the wealthiest of Pharisees would have to walk and…

  • A Ramble About Hollyweird

    New pix everybody! I have some that are not developed but these are some that Isabel took including the dress she came home in and different family members holding her. The B&W one has moved down the list to 2nd after seeing the smiling baby one. Just go to…

  • Today’s the Day

    *Comes tripping lightly onto scene, endless smiles, grins, etc.* Today’s the day! *does a little jig.* Today is really the day that Savannah is supposed to come home from the hospital! Woo-hoo! It’s supposed to be late this afternoon. Isabel and Ben had training yesterday on using the heart monitor…

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