Category: Beliefs

  • A Walmart Bag Of Stuff

    Before I say anything else I just want to thank all of you, my friends, for your kind words, prayers, e-mails, comments and nice thoughts my way.  I appreciate it.  It is an interesting community that comes here and while some of you I know and have met, some of…

  • How To Pick A Candidate

    I talked to my dad.  He was his usual self but a little bit down and tired sounding.  “I just scrubbed the bathroom and the kitchen and my back started hurting me some so I decided to sit down for a while and the phone rang.  But that’s okay, though,…

  • T Roosevelt Quote

    There is an e-mail circulating with a quote about immigration from Theodore Roosevelt. It is only partial and after some homework I found a couple of interesting quotes: “In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and…

  • Update

    Actually, since I have a blog, I suppose I should spend some time writing in it.  I am happy that people are finding my little spot here.  Some seem to have disappeared, but it’s early yet and I haven’t been making my rounds like I should.  One reason is this…

  • Givethanksing Day 2

    I found the folder that had the pictures from my mom’s last visit out here. It was only three months ago that she passed away and only five months ago that her church sent her out here as chronicled here Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5,…

  • I Still Swear…So Help Me God

    *Standing at attention, right arm at ninety degree angle* “I, Herbert C. Thiel, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey…

  • Stem Cell Issue

    Hollyweird has been unusually quiet this election.  Maybe someone told them to shut their traps, or as Laura Ingraham says in the title of her book, “Shut up and sing.”  There has been a noticeable flap between Michael J Fox and Rush Limbaugh which has interested me because I heard…

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