Category: Beliefs

  • Truth? Beauty? Fit the Somewhat More Serious aka Fit the Final

    Truth? Beauty? Fit the Somewhat More Serious aka Fit the Final

    For the Mystery Blogger Award I was nominated for but haven’t actually done anything for and haven’t attempted to claim, Ben at Brothers’ Campfire, posted some interesting questions as part of it. The one I’ve been trying to answer today goes as follows:The poet John Keats once wrote (in his…

  • Mystery Blogger Award

    Mystery Blogger Award

    I was nominated for this award by Brothers’ Campfire and thank him for the intellectual challenge and opportunity. I’m not even sure what it means and there was no talk of cash prizes being given away. I wonder, though, if I have to un-nominate myself from the award because I…

  • Readable Books

    Readable Books

    As I said the other day, the most popular pages on are the pages I made about the order to read Louis L’Amour’s books about the Chantry, Sackett, and Talon families. He is one of the most popular authors around, even though he doesn’t always get mentioned in articles…

  • Swear an Oath Or Vow or Affirm Or Promise

    Swear an Oath Or Vow or Affirm Or Promise

    Mat 5:33 – 37 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: Nor by the…

  • Merry Xmas!

    Merry Xmas!

    Wait! Wait! Back! Put the torches down! Ouch! Watch out with those pitch forks! They’re pointy! Stop! Let me explain! Okay. So. (phew!) Here’s the deal. The X in Xmas has been there since the year 1021 AD. Actually, before that, but it was an abbreviation by some Aglo-Saxon scribe,…

  • Eleven Questions

    Eleven Questions

    As I mentioned yesterday, Brothers Campfire nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award, which was a really cool honor to me, until I read the rules. One of the rules is “Nominate 11 new blogs.” It was then I started realizing, I haven’t been out blog hopping for a long…

  • Dead Drunk

    Dead Drunk

    I wrote the original piece in ’05 when the thing happened. I found the re-post I did in ’08. When I saw the title in the archives I re-read and recalled the whole sad, sickening thing. My question is still valid. Why isn’t alcohol a prescription drug? Why do I…

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