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Category: Beliefs

  • The Visitor – A Repost

    The Visitor – A Repost

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22163 – 733: This is a repost from 9/13/06. I think it gives a lot of food for thought. As far as I know it is anonymous. I just wish I had written it. I have seen this around in various forms and perhaps you have, too.…

  • The Slave-Free Business Certification Act (H.R. 7824)

    The Slave-Free Business Certification Act (H.R. 7824)

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22158 – 728: This is another update on this important issue. I got an email from Dumbestblogger today that let me know that Representative Ken Buck of Colorado has introduced The Slave-Free Business Certification Act into the House of Representatives. The text of his bill can be…

  • The Slave-Free Business Certification Act (S. 4241) – One response So Far

    The Slave-Free Business Certification Act (S. 4241) – One response So Far

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22146 – 718: You may recall the post I wrote about the Communist Chinese using the Uighur Muslims as slave labor making name brand products. That post is here. In that post, I told you about a bill by Sen Hawley (D-MO) which is listed in the…

  • Throw Back Thursday – The Mayflower Sailed Yesterday 400 Years Ago – Lackadaisical Larry

    Throw Back Thursday – The Mayflower Sailed Yesterday 400 Years Ago – Lackadaisical Larry

    Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22140 – 711: I mentioned on Tuesday James of the world-renowned James Proclaims did a Villanelle as one of his filler pieces instead of a Haiku and the form fascinated me. I am working on it but that’s not what you are getting at the moment. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯…

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