Category: Beliefs

  • Gutless or Good Citizens?

    Gutless or Good Citizens?

    So, apparently, in some circles, even Christian ones, it appears to be a sentiment that if we do not stand up to the government and congregate in assemblies larger than 10 that we are somehow weak, spineless robots. Gutless wonders, afraid to defend our church and our right to lawfully…

  • Thanks For The Thousand

    Thanks For The Thousand

    I just want to tell all of you readers thank you. Thank you. You all know that I am somewhat disdainful of the WP Like button. But, while I was at work yesterday and the app sounded on my phone and I looked at it and saw the graphic above,…

  • Zoomy Children’s Church

    Zoomy Children’s Church

    Before I get started I would like to say Happy Birthday to my son, Benjamin, the storyteller over at Brother’s Campfire. Go visit him and tell him Happy Birthday! And no, Zoomy Children’s church doesn’t mean Air Force children’s church, I was just referring to the meeting program called Zoom.…

  • He’s Alive!

    He’s Alive!

    “But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.” (Mar 16:7 KJV) I think a lot of us relate to Peter. I know I do. Even those of us who may not be…

  • Please Come

    Please Come

    I would just like to invite you all to join me at church tomorrow. Listen here. Service starts at 10am US Mountain Time. If you would like to see a handy tool to convert to your time you can go to this handy tool at EDIT/ADD: If it’s at…

  • Good Tradition

    And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy…

  • Ain’t Throwin’ It Back Thursday – NO 𝖨̶𝗋̶𝗂̶𝗌̶𝗁̶ Christians Need Apply

    Ain’t Throwin’ It Back Thursday – NO 𝖨̶𝗋̶𝗂̶𝗌̶𝗁̶ Christians Need Apply

    Name-calling is usually associated with bullying and other aggressive or passive-aggressive behaviors. It is a bad way to win or even lose an argument. “I’m sorry, but 2 + 2 = 4” “Well, you’re a stinky head!” “Look. You have 2 beans here. I put 2 beans with them, how…

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