Author: Herb

  • He’s Alive!

    He’s Alive!

    “But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.” (Mar 16:7 KJV) I think a lot of us relate to Peter. I know I do. Even those of us who may not be…

  • Please Come

    Please Come

    I would just like to invite you all to join me at church tomorrow. Listen here. Service starts at 10am US Mountain Time. If you would like to see a handy tool to convert to your time you can go to this handy tool at EDIT/ADD: If it’s at…

  • Good Tradition

    And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy…

  • Throw-Back-Thursday: Collectively Speaking

    Throw-Back-Thursday: Collectively Speaking

    (I’m calling it a Throwback Thursday because this first part happened a few years ago and I couldn’t find where I had ever posted about it.) I like having birds in my yard. Birds are cool and among other things, they eat bugs. I like having the bird feeders in…

  • Children’s Classics?

    Children’s Classics?

    As I sat reading The Cat in the Hat Comes Back to the grandson who lives here I realized that this Cat person is really nothing more than a vandal. And while he may not fit the complete definition of a bully his clearly boorish behavior absolutely categorizes him as…

  • A Note About Writing

    A Note About Writing

    I was over at The Dumbest Blog Ever (which seems to me to be increasingly misnamed) and read a three-part western story he had written called Shooter and the Kid. He had based it on a twenty-five hundred year old Greek tragedy called Philoctetes by Sophocles. I recognized the name…

  • Curmudgeonly Monday?  Meh.

    Curmudgeonly Monday? Meh.

    Well, I guess it does make me a little grumpy that our governor has extended the stay at home order until April 26th but I was more than expecting it, so why bother getting upset. It is what it is. I can choose to do it or not. If I…

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