Author: Herb

  • Old Cowboy Jokes

    Old Cowboy Jokes

    A couple of old jokes I found while digging in the archives. A cowboy rode into town and stopped at the saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always had a habit of picking on newcomers. When he left the bar sometime later, he realized that his horse had been…

  • 10 Days

    In ten days I will have owned this blog in one form or another for fifteen years. What started out as a writing exercise has turned into something other over the years. It’s been a chronicle, a pulpit, a soapbox, and a doodled on notepad. I’ve written a lot of…

  • Some Things I Like

    Some Things I Like

    Back in the olden days of blogging, many of the blogs I would visit (many are not blogging anymore, but they used to) would have events like Silver Lining Saturday or Thankful Thursday and I really enjoyed that. I think I may take one of those up on a regular…

  • A New (to me) Resource

    A New (to me) Resource

    I was looking up “viz.”, one of those Latin phrases that people use in writing, e.g., i.e., etc. and came across a very useful reference page, Latin Terms and Abbreviations from the University of North Carolina Writing Center. I think it’s very generous of them to share this resource and…

  • Giving Up For The Night

    It’s late and I’m tired so I will see you all tomorrow. I would like to thank you all for your kind indulgence. Be back tomorrow.

  • Dave Gets What He Deserves

    Dave Gets What He Deserves

    Here’s a new story.  I won’t give you the prompt until the end. Dave Gets What He Deserves When a day and a half went by and she hadn’t gotten a call, she started to worry.  Al always called her.  Always, as in, all the time.  They were best of…

  • Breaking A Run

    Breaking A Run

    Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, and Foundlings, I had been doing so well for the last 30 days and now, just when it looks like I should be working on the start of my second month of entries, lo and behold, it’s 11:30 at night and I can’t think of…

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