Author: Herb

  • Happy St Patrick’s Day

    Happy St Patrick’s Day

    I have spent a little bit of time helping get our church website ready for the next couple of weeks. Bishop and Pastor are trying to not only be careful to protect our members, especially our older members, from this sickness but they are also trying to be good citizens…

  • Curmudgeonly Monday – Over Sixty?  Stay Home!

    Curmudgeonly Monday – Over Sixty? Stay Home!

    I guess maybe I am more sensitive to this than I should be, but since I have only been over sixty for a little over a month, I feel more vulnerable to discrimination than some who have had time to get used to it. As I mentioned a few months…

  • Beware The Ides Of March

    Beware The Ides Of March

    I have been reading the Dumbest Blog Ever by Dumbestblogger. Sometimes he writes something that is intelligent and makes sense and puts himself in danger of losing his title. One of these instances was the other day when he wrote about one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. In fact, he…

  • More Grocery Store Pics

    More Grocery Store Pics

    I’ve been trying not to post more than once a day because of my commitment to putting something up here every day. If I can write a few really good ones once in a while and fill every other day with something less than spectacular, then I feel like I’m…

  • Cleaning Hands & Posting Cartoons Correctly

    Cleaning Hands & Posting Cartoons Correctly

    I have had to suspend my membership on for a while as we catch up and regroup, but his generous licensing agreement will allow me to still use the ones that I got while I was a member on his site.  I discovered another strip that has a very…

  • A Picture From The Local Store

    A Picture From The Local Store

    Normally I don’t do more than one entry a day, but I wanted to share this.  I went down to the King Soopers by our house to get some ice cream milk and I looked down the paper aisle and I saw this.  I have been told that this is…

  • Some Shelves Are Empty and A Link To A Good Post

    Some Shelves Are Empty and A Link To A Good Post

    Actually, I should more correctly say, a link to another good post.  I like the Erratic Engineeress’ blog and I like her no-nonsense, common-sense approach to the Corona Virus concern.  She’s written another post that has many links to actual scientific data.  It’s called UNDERSTANDING COVID-19: RELEVANT LITERATURE. I have…

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