Starting NaBloPoMo – 2023

Starting NaBloPoMo – 2023

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23280 – 1165

Here’s the haps:

Without telling a whole lot about specific situations, sometimes adult children need help. Adding another family to your mix can be a challenge to your time. And if you have let blogging become a pastime rather than your central focus, time takes on different priorities.

But, over the last couple of years, when things like the Blogging A – Z Challenge, Bloguary, and NaBloPoMo come around, I feel challenged and every time one of these “challenges” comes up I wonder if I feel up to doing a post a day for a month. I haven’t really had time lately for blogging in the first place but yet, the allure of being consistent beckons. It rankles because I know I went for over a year making a post-a-day and I feel I have to rise up against myself. I can’t say what the quality of these posts will be but instead of doing National Novel Writing Month which is out of the question this year, (I have decided that I could probably do it and that I really don’t need to join any “official” website to get it done but this is just not the time) as 1,667 words a day (50,000 words divided by 30 days) is too ambitious at this point in time.

You will probably see a lot of memes and recycled posts this month but I will be giving it a go even though I’m starting a day behind.


6 responses to “Starting NaBloPoMo – 2023”

  1. brilliantviewpoint Avatar

    Good luck! Sometimes writing comes easily and other times with a lot going on in life, it feels like a chore. To me anyhow. Have fun with this.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I agree. Thanks so much for the encouraging words.

  2. Bruce Goodman Avatar

    Good luck with it Herb – and enjoy the ride!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yee-haw! Thanks, Bruce.

  3. J P Avatar

    Yay, I always look forward to HerbPosts. As long as they are not about cooking your family. But if anyone could cook a family well, it would be a guy named Herb.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Hahahaha! Thank you so much. I try not to cook the pets, either.

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