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One in 22 Million Chance – Nice on the ‘Net Saturday

One in 22 Million Chance – Nice on the ‘Net Saturday

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23077 – 1123

Here’s the haps:

Lucy Humphrey spent years living with lupus, having been diagnosed in 2000, and then in 2017 she was told she had end-stage renal disease and if she didn’t get a kidney transplant within 5 years she would likely die. If you’ve known anyone who was on dialysis you are aware of the mind-numbing toll it takes. You go to dialysis and when you’re done you’re exhausted. The next day you are fatigued and then if you feel a little better, the next day you have it to do all over again. It puts the vicious into vicious cycle. So, you go to the beach for a day with your partner and your two dogs. They’re normally nice and well-behaved but this time the one dog keeps going over to the next spot and bothering a lady named Katie James who’s there by herself. The dog comes when you call but after the fourth time, your partner goes over and apologizes. He winds up inviting the lady over to your barbecue and she brings along a drink. You explain you can’t drink because of this kidney problem and needing a donor, etc.

She says she has just signed up as a kidney donor. That’s pretty cool but you have to have a very close match and due to the lupus you have to have an even more exact match. A few different people who are close to you have tested and aren’t able to do it. Katie looks into it the next Monday and discovers you are an exact perfect match.

The original story I found was Woman Saved After Her Dog Found a Kidney Donor at the Beach: One-in-22 Million Odds


11 responses to “One in 22 Million Chance – Nice on the ‘Net Saturday”

  1. dumbestblogger Avatar

    I wonder what prompted the dog to do that.

    1. Herb Avatar

      That’s a really good question. There are many examples of dogs doing unusual things to save owners.

      1. dumbestblogger Avatar


  2. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    Your Nice on the Net stories are all wonderful, this one included.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you!

  3. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    WOW! that’s all I can say 🤣😎🙃

    1. Herb Avatar

      It’s a pretty cool story.

  4. Petra Avatar

    I love your ‘good news’ stories! Whether it’s fate or an act of God or whatever, it is always nice to know that there are good things happening out in the world, not just the horrible tv news.

    1. Herb Avatar

      That’s kind of been my goal with it.

  5. Itching for Hitching Avatar

    A beautiful story Herb.

    1. Herb Avatar


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