Velika Planina, Slovenia on the Blogging A – Z Challenge

Velika Planina, Slovenia on the Blogging A – Z Challenge

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23090 – 1115

Here’s the haps:

Petra, over at Erratic Engineeress, has a real travel blog. Oh, she covers other stuff as well but while there are a lot of sites out there that call themselves travel blogs not all of them have ever been to the places they are writing about. They do something similar to what I have been doing this month and travel the Internet. The difference is that I don’t pretend to have gone to these places and I said up front that they are places I would like to see if the Lord wills. If you read Petra’s blog you know that she has been to a place, the pictures are hers and she has probably slept on the couch of some local person. She is part of our family now and I call her my red-headed stepchild. Mrs. Herb and I have a standing invitation to lunch at her house if we ever get to Slovenia. It seems likely that we will try to do the U.K. on one trip and then Europe on a different trip. She has also received my award.

Slovenia is a country that is quite a bit smaller than Colorado and shaped like a chicken, running. What? No. Really. Look:

Velika Planina is one of many potential destinations when visiting here. It is a green plateau dotted with herder’s cottages which are still used by cowherds who stay through the summer with their flocks. Nearby, you can rent a cottage that is similar. You can get fresh cow’s milk and a thing they call Love Cheese. For a better description of what is there and for beautiful pictures (including supermodel cows) I would suggest you read Petra’s post, Velika Planina.

Likelihood of this happening within the next year: 0%
Likelihood of this happening in my lifetime (Lord willing, of course): 85%
Likelihood of running into someone I know or met on the Internet: 95%


8 responses to “Velika Planina, Slovenia on the Blogging A – Z Challenge”

  1. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    It looks like you have a lot of traveling yet to do (Lord willing, of course)!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yes, sir. We will see what the future holds. I will ofcourse, chronicle any adventures here.

  2. dumbestblogger Avatar

    I love cheese.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yeah, buddy! And how!

  3. Tangie Avatar

    😯, thanks for sharing the video.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yes ma’am. You’re welcome.

  4. J P Avatar

    I wonder if people in Slovenia are slovenly?

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, I don’t think Petra is but I don’t know about the rest of them 😆

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