Honduras on the Blogging A – Z Challenge

Honduras on the Blogging A – Z Challenge

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23074 – 1099

Here’s the haps:

I am short on time tonight as I write this but these posts have been unevenly edited at best. That’s because there are some places that I have more personal knowledge of than others. Some places have intrigued me from a distance and others are places I have been to before or know a lot about.

This place, the Republic of Honduras, had never been more to me than a wrong answer on a geography test. That changed a few years ago when a missionary family named Schreckhise came and visited our church. Very personable people with a sincere and deep love for the people and country they work in, and our church quickly adopted them. Over the years that we had our Heritage Conference a couple of the “kids” (they are grown adults, really) would come and help out with the children’s church portion.

One fundraiser we did was to help them buy a Sunday School van. TNT’s toddlers, the 2 & 3-year-olds, made playdough and sold it to people in the church and made $76. This was, I think, eight kids at the time. They wanted to help, too. TNT helped them, of course, but she made them do the actual work of making the playdough, putting it in baggies, and selling it.

It’s not considered a real tourist spot and it has a high crime rate but we would not be going for those reasons. We would be going to help further the work of the Gospel. I think this goal is going to help me reach my goal of learning to speak Spanish, at least conversationally.

Likelihood of this happening within the next year: 0+%
Likelihood of this happening in my lifetime (Lord willing, of course): 75%
Likelihood of running into someone I know or met on the Internet: Who knows‽‽‽


5 responses to “Honduras on the Blogging A – Z Challenge”

  1. dumbestblogger Avatar

    South of the border, eh? Very nice.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I’m hoping so.

  2. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    Closest I ever got was El Salvador (for the baptism of two grandchildren). Only a few years earlier, I would have pegged my chances of going there as zero. So you never really know what surprises await you.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Oh, that’s for sure. If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.

  3. DB McNicol Avatar

    One of our favorite cruise ports in Roatan, Honduras where Carnival has built Mahogany Bay. It’s a favorite scuba diving place for hubby and I love browsing the local shops that are featured there. Our first visit, we did an excursion, I think it was an airboat ride.

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