Something Nice on the ‘Net Saturday – on Sunday

Something Nice on the ‘Net Saturday – on Sunday

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23066 – 1091

Here’s the haps:

Having family members on the spectrum and knowing some other people with autism and things related to it I understand that some people have challenges and face uphill climbs. Many times people with special needs are bullied or shunned, either on purpose or inadvertently. When I saw an article about this young man, Marcus Moore, who is working on making his own way, I was impressed.

The basic story is that he got a job as a night stocker at a grocery store and my reading between the lines says that he wasn’t treated very nicely. He got a different job working days at a different grocery store and says they were helpful and taught him things but he also recognizes that he doesn’t have the social skills and leadership skills necessary to get promoted beyond a certain point. Which he may have reached. But he wanted more. He loves his parents and knows they love him but he wanted to be independent. Together they figured out that with his love of pretzels, he could start his own business. Which he did. In 6 months he has grown to where he is looking to find a commercial kitchen and hire a few people. He wants to give people like himself a chance to succeed also.

I see on his website, Moore Crunch that he has a 10-day wait.

So, after I did this post and had it scheduled I had this video show up in my feed (surprise, surprise) of a guy reacting to the Maryland Crab flavor:


14 responses to “Something Nice on the ‘Net Saturday – on Sunday”

  1. haoyando Avatar

    What a beautiful story. I think he should still live with his parents even if he becomes independent. Or he lives very close to his parents.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I’m sure they’ve discussed all the possibilities. I think launching the business and growing it is the priority at the moment.

      1. haoyando Avatar

        I heard of stories of rising autism in the Asian community here too, although I never really have interactions with one myself. I really think societies and communities should help them to become as independent as possible and as happy as possible. For example, his business can find financial backings etc.

        1. Herb Avatar

          Yes ma’am, I agree. I think earlier diagnosis has probably helped a lot as well.

  2. AJMcGregor Avatar

    This was a really interesting post. I checked out the website and listened to the review. I’m glad to hear that things are going well for Marcus. I’ve never liked pretzels so I’m not ordering any, but I hope people do.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I just really liked his attitude about life.

  3. John Avatar

    I knew a young man once who was on the autism spectrum and who worked as a grocery bagger in a Kroger store where I live. Turns out he was the grandson of my old dentist and we struck up a nice friendship. He later went into business for himself too, making small electrical components for electronics manufacturers (on contract.) His dad helped him to get started and needless to say, he (My friend) was very successful. He was a workaholic. Once he got started on a project, it was difficult to get him to take breaks or lunches until he got the project done. He finally passed away a couple of years ago. I admired his determination.

    1. Herb Avatar

      That is a great story as well.

  4. dumbestblogger Avatar

    Sometimes it’s better to stand out than fit in. Nice story.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yeah. I liked his independent spirit.

  5. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    Stories like this really encourage me since our 19 year old grandson is diagnosed as mildly autistic. He has lived with us for the last ten years and he has been doing internships with various employers as set up by the Transition Center that provides three years post high school graduation training for kids with special needs. I sure hope he finds his niche like Marcus did.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I am sure he will. It seems that finding something you are passionate about (I guess Marcus is passionate about pretzels) seems to be the key. But I think it is for a lot of things.

  6. J P Avatar

    I love stories like this, where a square peg finally finds that square hole where he can flourish. I love pretzels, so maybe I should try some. But I don’t much like seafood, so maybe not crab flavor.

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. I’m sure it’s to someone’s taste, just not mine.

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