Atlanta, Georgia on the Blogging A – Z Challenge

Atlanta, Georgia on the Blogging A – Z Challenge

(I made a list for this theme of places I would either like to visit or revisit sometime. There are places I will likely get to see or we have a trip planned or at least desired for the future. Some are a stretch and some are not and of course I realize that the Bible says, “For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.”(James 4:15 KJV). I haven’t ever done a Blogging A – Z challenge with a theme before but hopefully, this list will be at least mildly interesting in some cases if not downright entertaining in others.)

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23065 – 1090

Here’s the haps:

Atlanta is a city in the US state of Georgia and is a place I will likely (if the Lord wills and I live so long) get to at some point in life. I want to go there for a couple of reasons. One is that my wife has done a lot of research on Ancestry and after doing the DNA thing and discovering I do not have any biological connection with my dad she has learned that I most likely have roots in this area. I am interested in this but, as I have written about it before, I know who my dad was. But her research has also found that there may be health issues on that side that I should know about.

I have only ever been inside the airport here which doesn’t count. The big thing that I really want to see and have wanted to see for a very long time is the World of Coca-Cola museum. I have loved this soft drink all my life and if the word “fan” ever applied to me about anything, it would be this. I even stuck with them through the New Coke fiasco. The New Coke was nasty and tasted icky like Pepsi and many fans hoarded hundreds of cases of the Real Thing fearing the old taste would be lost forever. I couldn’t afford to do that but thankfully New Coke only lasted 79 days because the outcry was so great from consumers.

One of the cool things I found out about Atlanta is that you can buy a CityPass and visit the top 5 attractions and it’s good for a period of 9 days. Attractions include: Georgia Aquarium, World of Coca-Cola museum, Zoo Atlanta, Fernbank Museum of Natural History, College Football Hall of Fame, and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights.

Likelihood of this happening within the next year: 100%
Likelihood of running into someone I know or met on the Internet: ?%

Remember, the Good Book says:

Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.

(James 4:13-15 KJV)


28 responses to “Atlanta, Georgia on the Blogging A – Z Challenge”

  1. Tangie Avatar

    Nice blog and idea. I thought about doing an A-Z series of blogs using Bible words. I disregarded the thought but you gave me encouragement to do it. Atlanta is busy, beautiful and I am not bold enough to live there. Visit is a great idea. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Herb Avatar

      You could still do it. It would be interesting. Even just Bible names.
      I imagine it to be a lot like Denver. Once you see the sites you can go home and not go back. I hate driving in Denver so I will probably not like driving there, either.

  2. Phil Strawn Avatar

    I was in Atlanta for business back in the mid-2000s and found it as hectic as Dallas regarding traffic and humanity. I wanted to visit the Coke museum, but time didn’t allow it. Mrs. MoMo and I are considering giving Marfa another chance to impress us, maybe even Terlingua, before it gets too hot. We will be visiting family in Colorado Springs in mid-May, and maybe this time, I can get my wife to the top of Pikes Peak.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I imagine Atlanta to be like Denver and I will not like very much about it except the sites. Definitely not looking forward to driving there any more than I do going to Denver.
      Definitely see the top of Pikes Peak at least once. The cog railway is expensive a beautiful ride.

  3. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    Great idea for AtoZ. I’ve been to Atlanta, probably don’t need to go back, but you have whetted my appetite.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, there are things I want to see, especially the Coca Cola museum but I expect it to be like Denver, especially driving-wise.

  4. Garfield Hug Avatar

    I hope you get to visit Atlanta, Georgia. I was there for a seminar. Visited the Coke Museum and the underground city. You will enjoy the sights.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks. I am thinking I will enjoy it overall. Just not looking forward to driving there.

  5. Amusives Avatar

    The DNA testing is interesting, isn’t it! I finally had mine done and it confirmed some speculations and led to new connections.

    1. Herb Avatar

      We are interested in it. My wife gets all the credit, though because she has worked really hard on it.

  6. dumbestblogger Avatar

    Those are some good reasons for wanting to go to Atlanta, although I would pick Atlantis myself.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I had thought about Atlantis but I couldn’t find a cruise ship going there.

      1. dumbestblogger Avatar

        Tickets are not easy to come by.

        1. Herb Avatar

          You probably have to know somebody.

  7. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    My brother got his name in Time Magazine during the New Coke Fiasco. A local guy wanted to sue Coke to prevent discontinuation of the Original and his attorney said there was no legal basis for such a suit but he knew another attorney who would do it. And my brother did. Our family loves publicity. And that’s all he or his client got over that stunt.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Okay. Cool story of the week award!!

  8. haoyando Avatar

    I know a couple who went to that museum and tasted all kinds of beverages there. It is truly a beverage museum. Wow, I just read your story and love the dad who raised you. You really don’t need to find out about your biological father, who may turn out to be a disappointment. You are very lucky that you have a wonderful dad who raised you well…

    1. Herb Avatar

      I’m looking forward to the museum. The only reason I’m interested in the biological side is there may be some inherited diseases. Anyone who can shed any light on what may have transpired with my mother is probably gone.

      1. haoyando Avatar

        Oh, true. That’s really true. Although your biological dad can be a disappointment, your genes are related to them and you’d better find out about it. That is so true. I have to say I inherited a lot of physical weakness from my mother side of the family. My father’s side has all the strong Mongolian genes that can endure a lot of things, but my mother side has stomach problems etc, which are very annoying.

      2. haoyando Avatar

        Basically what I am saying is that I envy your fate of having a kind hearted dad who is not biologically related with you. When I was a child, I dreamed of getting adopted by a couple who liked children. I looked very much like my parents. So having a dream that they were not parents and my real parents would come to rescue me was not a valid option.

        1. Herb Avatar

          Wow. No, I never had to deal with that, thankfully.

  9. issababycreates Avatar

    But can you visit Hotlanta without watching the Braves play?? I can’t. 😄⚾🧢

    1. Herb Avatar

      Hahahaha! I guess we’ll have to see what happens.

  10. boromax Avatar

    In Atlanta you may want to have a meal at the Sun Dial Restaurant atop the Westin Peachtree Plaza. I think it is on the 71st floor and offers 360 views of Atlanta. It used to have a revolving section, but I think they no longer set ‘er spinning. Anyway, pretty great views.

    Also, Stone Mountain.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you for the suggestions! If we’re going to do it I want to make it memorable, for sure. The restaurant looks nice. A little nicer than our normal but that is pretty cool.

  11. J P Avatar

    “tasted icky like Pepsi” – Hey, them’s fightin’ words! For 79 days, there might have been a reason to buy the stuff in its improved version, but it wasn’t the real thing. 🙂

    I have been in Atlanta twice, but just for an overnight stay each time, maybe 25 years apart. Both were memorable. I should write about them.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, I will politely ignore the matter of taste in soda since I already know you don’t have good enough taste to like circus peanuts.
      Yes, write about Atlanta, please.

  12. DB McNicol Avatar

    I lived in Atlanta for three years, one of which was the year they held the Olympics there. What a time that was! I loved living there but am glad I don’t now. It’s grown too much. I like my slow, country life now.

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