It Got Here Yesterday And I Missed It

It Got Here Yesterday And I Missed It

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23055 – 1085

Here’s the haps:

Spring is sprung
The grass is riz
I wonder where them boidies is?
They claim, I hoid,
The Boid is on the wing
But that’s absoid
I know the wing is on the boid.

That poem was listed in several places as the Bronx anthem to Spring or the Bronx National Anthem. Another version I found goes:

Spring has sprung;
The grass has ris.
I wonder where
The birdie is?

There he is
In the sky.
He dropped some
Whitewash in my eye!

I am no sissy;
I won't cry.
I'm just glad
The cows can't fly!

I didn’t research it too thoroughly, however. I was reminded that it’s Spring by friend-to-this-blog, A. J. McGregor, and wanted to wish everyone a pleasant season.

I also want to find something that The Google cannot seem to turn up. When I was in Tenth Grade English class we practiced a play on the real stage so we could understand how stage directions worked. It was about some hillbillies celebrating spring. I don’t remember the name of the play and of course I don’t have the mimeographed copy but I just wish I could find it or at least a little bit about it, anyway. I only know the first three lines, which were mine:

Spring am sprung
The time aire here
The skunks aire out…

To which the other characters exclaimed, “The skunks aire out?”

That’s all that I can remember is just that much but I think that’s what bothers me. Oh well. As I’ve taken to saying, “If that’s the biggest problem I have in life, or even the biggest problem I have today, I think I’m probably doing pretty good.”


22 responses to “It Got Here Yesterday And I Missed It”

  1. stevescountry Avatar

    The second version of your Bronx anthem to spring is the one I remember being used around here years ago. Haven’t heard it in a long time though. Happy Spring!😃😺

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks Steve, same to you!

  2. colinmcqueen Avatar

    Many moons ago I had a post entitled ‘The Spring has Sprung’ because it was my mum’s ‘go to’ poem when she felt that spring was in the air

    1. Herb Avatar

      That’s pretty special.
      I went to you site and could not find a search bar to look it up.

      1. colinmcqueen Avatar

        Really? I’ll check that out

      2. colinmcqueen Avatar

        Well, it should be there, it says its there, but this is WordPress!

        1. Herb Avatar

          And when I went back just now, there it was! I don’t know what happened. Oh well.

          1. colinmcqueen Avatar


        1. Herb Avatar

          Thank you very much. It worked fine.

  3. LAMarcom Avatar

    My favorite happens a month or two later:
    “June is bustin’ out all-over”
    From the musical “Carousel”


    1. Herb Avatar

      That is a good one, too!

  4. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Spring has the sprung
    the grass is riz
    I wonders where
    The flowers is
    That’s how I learned it 🤣😎🙃

    1. Herb Avatar

      That’s good too!

  5. J P Avatar

    My mind goes to the title/lyric of an old jazz song from the 30s: “Sent for you yesterday and here you come today.” But that’s OK, I’ll celebrate spring whenever you care to bring up the topic.

    1. Herb Avatar

      And jazz it up a little.

  6. MichaelStephenWills Avatar

    It is good to notice and acknowledge these events around us

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. Yes, sir, I agree.

  7. haoyando Avatar

    The spring has not sprung here yet. I guess the night temperature is too low for the flowers to bloom.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I have not seen any either.

  8. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    One of my favorite places to visit is H for Haps with Herb. I can always “like” the posts but am frequently bounced from commenting, so I keep adding to my comment each day until one sneaks through that Nonce guy.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I try to keep the site’s cache cleared but that is the only real suggestion that seems to have had any effect on the problem at all because at least the comments come through sometimes. You and a couple of other random people are the only ones who seem to have the problem and it seems to me to be completely random. I am sorry about it, though.

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