Write A Short Story Or Poem About Rain

Write A Short Story Or Poem About Rain

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22981 – 1059

Here’s the haps:

So today was not a great day for writing and I was kind of uninspired by this prompt. I really did get up late and run errands and come back to a houseful and it wasn’t a rainy day. I’ve often heard that rain was a symbol of sadness and depression but I think it can be happy, too. Anyway, here is today’s offering. I hope you can enjoy!

Write About Rain‽‽‽ Really‽‽‽

I woke up late, around seven or so
I had shopping to do at three big stores
I looked at the screen and groaned with pain
They want me to write something about rain‽‽‽

When I got home from that annoying trek
With grandchildren was my house bedeckéd
For noisy kids and noisy parents all
I knew that today’s post I must forestall

Besides, who picks the rain to be a prompt
I almost felt like I ought to be comped
But then I thought that sounded somewhat rude
And decided to change my attitude

Still, I wonder what in thunderation
Could be writ about precipitation?


13 responses to “Write A Short Story Or Poem About Rain”

  1. Carl D'Agostino Avatar

    I’ll pass on this prompt. Been through every hurricane that hit Miami, Florida from 1954 to 2015.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Wow! I’m thinking you would have some good stories to tell.

      1. Carl D'Agostino Avatar

        I’d look forward to clean up work with downed tree limbs and general yard clean-up work in the neighborhood . For a 10 year old kid and through high school to pick up several hundred dollars every year was a gold mine. However, one, two or three weeks with no electricity was a nightmare and I grew older. Sea levels must have changed in South Florida over last several decades as typical heavy rains cause some very serious flooding these days.

        1. Herb Avatar

          Wow. That would have been a gold mine, for sure. It’s an experience I’ve not had and don’t really think I want, lol. I’ve seen the aftermath of tornadoes but so far have been blessed not to been in the direct path of one.
          Out here we do get winds between 60 – 100 mph and golf ball size hail. One year when I worked for an insurance company there was softball size hail that destroyed vehicles and killed livestock.

          1. Carl D'Agostino Avatar

            That’s “no fun” weather” for sure.

  2. Iseult Murphy Avatar

    Love your poem, Herb, especially the last line. Living in Ireland I’m very used to rain. Only experienced a couple of hurricanes though, thank God.

    1. Herb Avatar


  3. 'Amusives' by Margy Avatar

    Rain – the stuff people say we don’t get enough of when they say climate change causes drought and the stuff people say we get too much of when it does come…

  4. dumbestblogger Avatar

    It never rains, but it pours.

    1. Herb Avatar

      It’s sure like that a lot of times.

  5. Amber Avatar

    Not too bad. I remember that day….

  6. J P Avatar

    I understand that it falls mainly on the plain.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Hahaha! That’s not limited to Spain, I guess.

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