Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22927 – 1014
Here’s the haps:
While preparing for yesterday’s post I realized I liked it just the way it was and wanted to leave it alone. But I had several memes I wanted to use somewhere and I was feeling in a good mood, thus, a Mudgeonly Monday.

18 responses to “Mudgeonly Monday Meme Dump – Leftovers”
Hilarious. Thank you for the uplifting moments.
Yes sir. Thanks for reading.
That was fun.
You have my heart with the SPCD poster! I want to start a SPCD political party whose main plank will be campaigning for the imprisonment of anyone who puts up or advertises Christmas decorations before Thanxgiving Day! 😂
Yeah really, I drove past a house on the way to work this morning, decked out to the 9’s with inflatables and lights.
AND fifty lashes with a wet noodle!
I needed this today.
Glad I could help.
I also drive an Iliad.
As long as it gets you Homer okay.
No sirens like the Odyssey has though.
Serious note on that ketchup one: we count a 1/2 c of marinara sauce as a vegetable, in the school lunches.
I always knew ketchup was a health food.
Oh… My…
I once had an Odyssey. It was epic.