Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22799 – 990
Here’s the haps:
Out of a folder of over 200 items I chose these memes for your humor and entertainment. Please enjoy.

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22799 – 990
Here’s the haps:
Out of a folder of over 200 items I chose these memes for your humor and entertainment. Please enjoy.
34 responses to “I Hope This Post Memes Something To You”
Haha 😄 lots of great ones Herb! I think my favorite would have to be “I’m so old I remember playing solitaire with a deck of cards” 🤣 But the pre-internet chat room is pretty good too. 😁
Wait ~ I AM that old! 😱
Me too 😁🤣
lol, me too!
Thanks. Yup. I’m that old, hahaha.
“Beware of Dog” strikes me as the most funny meme.
Yeah, that wasa good one, for sure.
Some classics there Herb. I am always partial to the “You had one job” memes. Happy Sunday. Hope all is well. Allan
Yeah, that one cracked me up. I think it’s because I can see it happening absent-mindedly to someone (like me).
Great stuff 😊
Thank you!
I’ve been going crazy with my new puppy. These brought some sanity back, Herb.
Dogs can be a trip, for sure.
🤣🤣🤣Good ones Herb👍👍
Thank you!
A great set of random “facts.”
Hahaha!!! These are great! Why don’t eggs taste like chicken?… 🤔
One of life’s weirdities I guess, lol.
Oh my those are fun
Thank you!
Like that pre-internet chat room. Haha. That’s very funny. However I didn’t get the joke with a limo. Thank you. I’ve never paid attention to meme before, but now you have piqued my interest.
The limo one is kind of hard to see but it is on a tow truck that is way too small for it and if you have a ninety pound dog who wants to sit in your lap…
Uh oh, I’ve been eating eggs that taste like chicken.
Well, That just means you’re special.
I liked the first one. It’s true, the earth is like a great big neighborhood that has gone to pot where the check cashing places and dollar stores predominate.
I couldn’t choose my favourite. 😂😂😂
Lol. I always have a hard time whittling the selection down.
So many of these had me actually laughing! The dog ones are my favourite, including the King Kong one, and the jumping off the bridge one. You made my day, Herb.
We’ve had to do the King Kong thing with Hey Boy more than a few times. It looks worse than it actually is, though.
I don’t think I’ve owned a dog that didn’t require that manoeuvre at least once!