Nonce Nonsense – Timeout!

Nonce Nonsense – Timeout!

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22773 – 987

Here’s the haps:

I am getting some pictures ready from our campout but I need to find out a little unrelated info from you all, dear Readers, if you please. I was just informed by one of my commenters that when they tried to comment they received an error that said, “Nonce verification failed” Now, it is, to me, quite clever to use what I’ve always thought of as a Shakespearean term meaning, for the moment. I would greatly appreciate it if you could please take a moment to leave a comment and see if you get the error or if it is isolated to a certain user/users. If you do get the error message and can’t comment please drop me a note at herbthiel @ gmail . com

One of the things that I did learn was that it could be related to a new plugin or theme. I haven’t added any new plugins but I did change the theme. Maybe I will have to redo it. Kind of also why I want to know if it’s isolated or not. I also feel confident that it’s not the old Akismet thing of dumping people in spam because these comments didn’t show up anywhere.


47 responses to “Nonce Nonsense – Timeout!”

  1. haoyando Avatar

    Yes, a new theme. I’ve thought about that for a while, but I have been afraid of causing the layout or certain good functionality to go away. A new theme is a great idea, though. After a while, the familiar theme gets too familiar. Let’s see if this comment can be submitted.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I received your comment. I enjoy experimenting with different themes but I enjoy getting comments more. Thanks for helping.

      1. haoyando Avatar

        Enjoy your new experiment.

  2. WebbBlogs Avatar

    I am able to leave a comment 🙂

    1. Herb Avatar

      Hi! Thanks for helping out, I appreciate it.

  3. M Avatar

    Nonce verification failed or did it ?

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks for the help, M. I can see your comment.

      1. M Avatar

        I betcha that person was messing with ya

        1. Herb Avatar


  4. swabby429 Avatar

    I’ve never had problems with your comments section.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks for letting me know. I’m becoming hopeful that his was an isolated incident.

  5. LauraBelle Avatar

    I got the email of your posting, read your post, touched the comment button, was routed to login, logged in and was promptly sent here. When I selected to “Like” your post, it turned blue, saying, ‘you and 8 other bloggers like this post’ tho I don’t see my lil icon photo. Very well could be due to my own new iPad that I’m reading this on. If this comment posts, I will respond to it. Generally have never had a problem. 🤗💕

    1.  Avatar

      All is well it seems! Yay!

      1. Herb Avatar

        Thanks, Anony!

    2. Herb Avatar

      Thanks, LauraBelle. I appreciate that info.

      1. Amber Avatar

        Wacking the head on things isn’t good to do

        1. Herb Avatar

          Sometimes it can be very therapeutic.

  6. kagould17 Avatar

    Always scared to change themes in the middle of a blog spot. Hope this comment gets there. Allan

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks, Allan. I tend to like playing with it but it has caused me problems on occasion. This one appears to be isolated, though.

  7. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    Commenting… It could also be the browser someone is using. I’ve noticed Chrome messes up blog presentations for some of the folks I usually visit, but switching to Edge fixes it.

    1. Herb Avatar

      That’s good to know, thank you. I will ask the person about their browser. I did ask them to try clearing their cache.

  8. boromax Avatar

    And the beat goes on. For the nonce, this appears to be working appropriately for my comment. I hope this also boosts your stats, Herb! ~Ed.

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol, thanks, Ed.

  9. C.A. Post Avatar

    You and me both have problems with compooters. I always wonder if my Likes on comments show up on both computers of readers as well as on the app on their phones. Thus, my recent blog about that.
    Looking forward to your pics,
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks for the help. I do know that WordPress Wonkiness abounds between the app, the reader, and the person’s site.

  10. Margy Avatar

    I can never leave a comment on your blog without filling in the ‘details below’ form and enter my email address – even though I have already been able to ‘like’ the post. As soon as I enter my email, the rest of the boxes automatically enter my name and blog address. Strange.

    1. Herb Avatar

      That is kind of strange. When I first connected my site to the WP community I tried to make all of the settings for comments as easy as possible for people to use. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. I will putz some more.

  11. bluebird of bitterness Avatar

    WP can be glitchy sometimes.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Very true and succinctly said.

  12. Barbara Avatar

    My turn to try. Hope it works.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much. So far, so good.

  13. Tangie Avatar

    No problem on my end. I would like to change theme but afraid of getting errors.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I understand but I like to mess with that stuff.

  14. MichaelStephenWills Avatar

    a successful comment post

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you very much.

  15. Sarah Angleton Avatar

    I am late to the party, but here is a comment for you. Maybe it helps that I am signed into a WordPress account?

    1. Herb Avatar

      That does appear to make a difference. So far I have not received any e-mails about problems either. It’s gotta be something the individual is doing. I sure do appreciate everyone helping out with this, though.

  16. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    Testing 1,2,3

    1. Herb Avatar

      Hooray! The test worked!

  17. stevescountry Avatar

    Well, I’m a bit late with this, but let’s see if it’s okay or not.😂

    1. Herb Avatar

      I read you loud and clear, hahaha! Thank you.

      1. stevescountry Avatar


  18. Lisa Mae ❤️ Avatar


    1. Herb Avatar

      Hey! Howdy! Thank you.

  19. J P Avatar

    It just happened to me. I read through the email link and went to comment. The blog (like most of them seem to now) made me enter my info, but gave me the option to click the WP icon (which I had just logged into a couple minutes earlier to comment on another blog). I hit “post comment” and got the Nonce error.
    I’m posting this comment through the WP Reader, which I am using more and more because of trouble commenting generally.

    FWIW, my comment was: Testing 123. I like to think that if I avoid changing my theme long enough, it will eventually become vintage cool.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, I like Vintage Cool, to be sure but I just get this urge to putz…
      Your original comment was not in my spam or pending folders. I can only guess it has to do with the cache, perhaps a browser update? I don’t know.
      I have my settings pretty loose as far as accepting comments goes, I think.

  20. […] Every once in a while the “Nonce verification failed” error happens to people like it did last year. Being self-hosted rather than WP-hosted I have discovered a minor glitch that causes me to have to […]

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