Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22759 – 984
Here’s the haps:
Most retail workers don’t get the day off or at least not the whole day.

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22759 – 984
Here’s the haps:
Most retail workers don’t get the day off or at least not the whole day.
13 responses to “In Case You Forgot Why Many Americans Have Today Off”
I hope all teachers still remind kids of the meaning.
Amen. me too.
Thank you.
exactly so sad at the disrespect.
Yes, sir. I agree.
I love this post, Herb! And you’re so right! It’s not about getting a day off, it’s about our fallen heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice on the alter of freedom! Thank you so much for the reminder!
Btw, I want to let you know that there’s a glitch on my account and I’m unable to “like” anyone’s post right now. But I’m staying in touch with tech support and I hope they can resolve the issue soon. Thank you so much for your patience. God bless!
Well, it’s very thopughtful of you to let me know what’s going on. I saw you had posted that, it seems like a little while ago. WP has a lot of good things to say about it but it can also be frustrating when it doesn’t work.
It’s important
Yes, ma’am.
I spent Memorial Day recovering from a crazy traveling weekend. I do feel a little bad about that. On Facebook I shared a post about hometown boys, including Tommy Field, the brother of a classmate, who was one of the casualties of ‘Black Hawk Down.’
Yeah, I’m not sure why we say we celebrate Memorial Day and wish people a happy one. Loss is real.
Ya know I hear ya about it being just another day off and that not every adheres to that, but I truly feel bad for people say in the retail circuit that are veterans. It’s like a slap in the face. And yeah celebrating a day of mourning is quite odd but it seems like mire associated memorial day as the beginning of Summer than a mournful day of respect for the fallen.