Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: Y is for You, Youse, You Guys, Youse Guys, You All, Y’all, and All Y’all, et al.

Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: Y is for You, Youse, You Guys, Youse Guys, You All, Y’all, and All Y’all, et al.


Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22726 – 975

Here’s the haps:

I know I probably missed a few but these few colloquialisms in the title are meant to indicate that I have a widely varied audience, not just in the U.S. but in other countries, as well.

You. You are important to me and I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to come by and visit me and read my offerings. Time is extraordinarily valuable and I humbly accept that you are granting me some of it. I know some of my meager offerings are just that but yet I am often pleased with myself and know when I’ve done good work even if it doesn’t always seem to garner a lot of attention. And I am grateful to each and every one of you.


20 responses to “Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: Y is for You, Youse, You Guys, Youse Guys, You All, Y’all, and All Y’all, et al.”

  1. swabby429 Avatar

    Ha. The phrase, “Youse guys”, triggered an urge to watch an old black and white gangster movie.

    1. Herb Avatar


  2. Garfield Hug Avatar

    And thank you for writing too and reading my posts😄💞

    1. Herb Avatar

      Ya’ll are welcome.

  3. kagould17 Avatar

    Colloquialisms are fun Herb. They make us who we are. Happy Saturday Y’all. Allan

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank youse.

      1. kagould17 Avatar

        Youse is welcome!

  4. Amber Avatar

    Every simple thought is important

    1. Herb Avatar

      And mine are very simple sometimes.

  5. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    This is a great picture considering that I’m having a cup of tea with you this afternoon. Whether you know it or not
    Laugh at yourself

    1. Herb Avatar

      Please do!

      1. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar


  6. Tony Laplume Avatar

    The fictional rock band Drive Shaft from Lost got its signature song “You All Everybody” from the utterances of daytime talk show folk.

    “You all everybody!
    “You all everybody!
    Acting like it’s stupid people
    Wearing expensive clothes!”

    1. Herb Avatar

      That’s interesting. I like the line about stupid people wearing expensive clothes, there could be a lot of applications there.

  7. capost2k Avatar

    I’d be happy to have coffee with you, Herb, if we can keep my computer laptop in another room. You keep leaving coffee stains on the screen. And just for the record, in Kentucky, “y’all” is singular. “All y’all” is the plural
    See y’all for coffee sometime? 🤠

    1. Herb Avatar

      I reckon all y’all done good. Coffee all ’round.

  8. dumbestblogger Avatar

    I’d love to have coffee with y’all too.

    1. Herb Avatar

      You Guys are more than welcome.

  9. J P Avatar

    This post presents a problem. Your you becomes my me, which as an m, isn’t really appropriate today. But if I turn it back to you, that becomes your me, which brings us right back to the same problem. I guess I’ll have to skip commenting today.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Then isn’t your me, you? I think I’m going to skip replying today.

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