Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: K is for Killer Bunnies

Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: K is for Killer Bunnies

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22711 – 961

Here’s the haps:

No, this is not a take-off of the Monty Python scene with the holy hand grenade but a bit of bizarre history I found. Before the invention of the printing press, scribes copied out books and manuscripts and such by hand and decorated them. These are called illuminated manuscripts and certain ones from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries have some strange doodles in the margins. I had gotten an article in one of my news feeds and decided I wanted to read the source information which turned out to be an interesting surprise. The article I started out on had a sensational title but when I discovered that the source was actually a quite scholarly blog called the Medieval Manuscripts Blog and is put out by no less than the British Library I became more interested.

Not feeling certain about lifting the photos from the site and also not feeling certain about how my audience might feel about the pictures I decided to just link to the original article and you can peruse it at your leisure. A letter “T” turned into a gallows for a hunter, by a rabbit. A rabbit beheading a king. A rabbit jousting with a hound. A hunter being put on trial by rabbits and then being found guilty and carted off to be executed. Medieval killer rabbits: when bunnies strike back

Charming folks, those Medieval scribes. Charming critters, them rabbits.


20 responses to “Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: K is for Killer Bunnies”

  1. Iseult Murphy Avatar

    That’s fascinating, thank you Herb. I love the images! I’m sure there’s a symbolic meaning to it. I can certainly think of a few obvious ones! 😂

    1. Herb Avatar

      I know, right? Might be fodder for an alternative universe story…

      1. Iseult Murphy Avatar

        Great idea!

  2. Brothers Campfire Avatar

    Angry rabbits will bite. I have been “gifted” angry rabbits.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Good point. Hopefully you didn’t let them near any knives, lol.

  3. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    Next they’ll be saying there are Killer Labradors! Come on–

    Wait. There aren’t, are there???

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, they might drown in slobber from licking you.

  4. Tony Laplume Avatar

    Probably where Monty Python got theirs from.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I wondered about that, too.

      1. Tony Laplume Avatar

        Holy Grail and Life of Brian are packed with these kinds of details. Smart silly comedy.

  5. capost2k Avatar

    I heard Douglas Adams was unaware that the rabbits were in league with the dolphins of The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy. Suspicious critters!
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

    1. Herb Avatar

      That would explain a lot…

  6. Amber Avatar

    Oh my

    1. Herb Avatar

      I know, right?

  7. dumbestblogger Avatar

    Wow. Those are some violent rabbits.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I thought it was kind of crazy.

  8. J P Avatar

    Wow, imagine the Easter Bunny swapping places with the Boogie Man. That would be some career change. And would turn a rabbit’s foot from a good luck charm to a cause for gruesome revenge.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I know. Pretty crazy stuff.

  9. MichaelStephenWills Avatar

    top marks for cute bunny header photo

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol, thanks. That look in his eyes, though…

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