Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22709 – 959
Here’s the haps:
I had a different topic in mind but I’m tired and not focused and I want some ice cream.

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22709 – 959
Here’s the haps:
I had a different topic in mind but I’m tired and not focused and I want some ice cream.
15 responses to “Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: I Cop Out For A Couple Of Ice Cream Memes”
Who can say no to ice cream!!! Waffles cones and a scoop of chocolate ice cream or mango or lime sherbert! Love your toons. Enjoy your ice cream Herb.
Thank you! 😊🍦🍨
Oh my yes! Appreciation for the finest things in life……
It is important.
Lime sherbet please!
Oooo…I like lime. Orange is good too. And raspberry. er…I think I’m hungry.
My wife and I walked four blocks over to Dairy Queen last night. It was healthy because exercise.
Yes, it’s actually double healthy because you did it together.
Have one for me, Herb. I am lactose intolerant!
Well, I guess we all have our prejudices.😂
I loved the photo, it really tells a story. Lent is over, so bring it on!
Yummy to da tummy!