Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22706 – 955
Here’s the haps:
As I wrote this parody of the song, My Favorite Things, sung by Julie Andrews, I thought about the star. You all know that I am no fan of the Hollyweird/entertainment industry but the individuals are people, too. A botched and what turned out to be possibly needless surgery on her vocal cords in 1997 left her unable to sing. She had something called a four-octave soprano voice (I know little about music) and she woke up and it was gone. I can’t begin to imagine the devastation and depression a person like that would have gone through. I felt for her.
Then I thought, “Herb, this song is really funny” and actually intended to record it for you myself. Due to technical difficulties and shortness of time (and cold feet), I decided I would just post the lyrics I wrote for now and you could imagine the tune for yourself. I’m thinking of still recording it at some point this month because I was having fun diddle-potzing and putzing with it.

Favorite Things
A Parody
(Do I really need to say copyright Herb Thiel, all rights reserved?)
Butter on hot toast
And bacon a sizzlin’
Coffee pot perkin’
And drippin’ and drizzlin’
When my morning starts out with caloric flings
I’m thankful for some of my favorite things
Biscuits and gravy
And fritters and donuts
Are all so tasty
They just make me go nuts
Of pancakes and waffles and syrups I sing
For these are just some of my favorite things
There’s leftover lasagna
And pizza in fridges
And hot dogs and burgers
And Ruffles with ridges
Chocolate chip cookies from the oven they bring
Food is just some of my favorite things
When my doc nags
About my weight
It kinda makes me sad
It’s then I remember my favorite things
And I don’t care if I’m fat

20 responses to “Blogging A – Z Challenge 2022: F is for Favorite Things”
You are clever, Herb.
Aww…Thank you!
That is very well done Herb! I hope you decide to sing it for us!
Now I’m really hungry…
Thank you!
Oh my. Food is the best
Oh, yes.
Absolutely AWESOME, Herb! But I doubt that with that song, the following picture would be “breakfast with Herbs.” 😁
❤️&🙏, c.a.
BTW, here you go:
Breakfast With Herb © Herb Thiel, 2022
To the tune of Favorite Things
Very nice.
I like those things too!
Many people do!
😂🤣😂🤣 I love this, Herb! Thank you for the laughs! It’s kind of the way I feel too! Better to enjoy what you like anyway!
lol. Thank you!
You’re so welcome. 😁😁😁
Nicely done!
Thank you!
That absolutely works Herb
lol, thanks for the vote of confidence!