Sorry I Missed Your Blog

Sorry I Missed Your Blog

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22662 – 943

Here’s the haps:

To make a long story short I had to take Mrs. Herb to the Emergency Room for a headache on the top of her head. This could be a very serious indication and required an immediate CT scan. They gave her a drug that interacted very badly with her other meds and she wound up with severe involuntary muscle movements and delirium. I spent almost 23 hours in the hospital with her and was very tired. The combination of these things made it so I haven’t been around the Internet for a couple of days. I will be responding to comments and visiting blogs tomorrow, most likely, but I may not get to your backlogs.

I was intending on writing up the whole event but as I read the account in the patient portal there are some things that don’t jibe and I want to give you the right information. At the moment, please accept my advice that if you are in a strange situation with medical personnel who don’t know you, have a current list of your medications and ask if what they want to give you will interact with any of them.


27 responses to “Sorry I Missed Your Blog”

  1. AJMcGregor Avatar

    Oh, Herb, I’m so sorry to hear about Mrs. Herb. You people have been having such a rough time for the last few years. Please don’t feel any pressure to respond to my notes or read my blog. You don’t need any more pressure in your life at all. I’m sending prayers your way. Please take care of yourself and get as much rest as you can. Looking after yourself so you can be there for Mrs. Herb is all that’s important right now. Hug.

  2. haoyando Avatar

    Sorry to hear that. I hope Mrs. Herb is OK by now. Best wishes. Probably you both have worked too hard recently with holidays and relatives and everything. Take good care.

  3. Chel Owens Avatar

    Oh no! Don’t worry about a minor thing like reading blogs. We all want you and your wife to be healthy and well!

  4. Ashley Avatar

    I’m praying sister Theil is okay. I’m praying

  5. elvira797mx Avatar

    Thanks for share. I pray for her health and yours.
    Take care.

  6. Webb Blogs Avatar

    I am so sorry yiu and Mrs Herb went through this. I do hope she is feeling much better now. Sending well wishes to you both.

  7. swabby429 Avatar

    Sending best thoughts to you and your missus.

  8. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Don’t worry about the stupid internet Herb! Take care of Mrs. Herb I am praying for both of you. So so sorry to hear this news God Bless You
    Laigh when you can

  9. kagould17 Avatar

    Sorry to hear Mrs. Herb is not well, Herb. Hope she is feeling well again soon. Take care. Allan

  10. capost2k Avatar

    Praying earnestly for both of you today. Looking forward to hearing you are both rested and well.
    ❤️&🙏, c.a.

  11. LauraBelle Avatar

    Blessings to you for worrying about your friends! Prayers lifted on you & your brides wellness and her quick healing! ✨🙌🙏💕

  12. Amber Avatar

    Yes and they will make up stories about what happened rather than the actual facts sometimes depending on the people.

  13. bluebird of bitterness Avatar

    Prayers for healing and a swift recovery.

  14. Ju-Lyn Avatar

    Oh my goodness – what a nightmare. This is what I worry about for my parents – they are at the age where they see so many specialists for a wide range of ills. And everyone seems to prescribe something or other. And in Singapore, there are no “care managers” in the hospital system.

  15. Jim Borden Avatar

    I’m hoping Mrs. Herb has a full recovery…

  16. Garfield Hug Avatar

    Sorry to hear about Mrs Herb. I wish her a full recovery. You rest up too. Take care and Garfield hugs.

  17. Tony Laplume Avatar

    It’s a sad state of affairs when prescriptions become so complicated. Sorry they caused this crisis in your home.

  18. dumbestblogger Avatar
  19. J P Avatar

    Oh no! Prayers for Mrs Herb (and for you).

  20. Cherie White Avatar

    I’m so sorry about this, Herb. I pray that Mrs. Herb make a full recovery. ❤🙏 And I’ll definitely take your advice.

  21. Petra Avatar

    Oh no, is she better now? Your family has really been hit with tough times lately

  22. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    I am actually sorry I missed your Blog. I do not know how that happened. I will be scrolling forward looking for a happy ending.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks. It does improve.

  23. Tangie Avatar

    I pray by time you read this Mrs. Herb is better. I prayed for you two. Be sure to get rest and be safe.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much. Prayer works!

  24. Chel Owens Avatar

    Oh no! They really should check that, too!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Oh, definitely should…

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