Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22625 – 933
Here’s the haps:
We’ve been making recovery here at Bear Paw Lodge, the new name for Thiel Haus. Mrs. Herb and I saw it somewhere and we just decided that it was a good name for our place. Ben has Willow Manor, we have Bear Paw Lodge but we are still all together the Thiel Tribe.

Since TNT is immunocompromised by the MS and her treatment (which has been going pretty well. I just went to the website for her treatment to find the link and laughed because of Mr. Ohh’s recent post making mention of drug advertising) she has been given the monoclonal antibody treatment which has had the effect of getting her immune system fighting the bug even though it seems to exacerbate her symptoms in the short term. Mrs. Herb developed pneumonia and it’s suspected she had it first. Her recovery is going well, also. I was sick enough to not get on the computer much but overall I have not suffered too much, really, especially compared to others.

I did have to miss work some because of quarantine and work rules but I’m expecting to go back Monday. I have no symptoms anymore and am feeling pretty good, overall. Mrs. Herb’s antibiotics appear to be helping as well. TNT’s symptoms are slowly clearing up but not completely just yet but she is doing better.

30 responses to “A Status Update On Sickness Here At The Thiel Haus”
It’s good to know you’re all on the mend. Prayers lifted for continued wellness! ✨🙏💕
Thank you so much!
Good to hear that everyone is pretty much on the mend
Thanks. Yes, getting better.
I’m glad you’re all doing better. I have been wondering and I will continue with prayers.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
Just checkin’ in ya, glad yun’z are on the mend. However…I still try and clean those coffee rings off my screen every time.
Well, just don’t spit on ’em and rub ’em with your shirt sleeve. 🤣
Great that things are getting better now that you have medicine Remember to laugh
Laugh NOW Why wait?
lol. Yes sir. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
Is that one of those non-understandable English’s you were talking about?? 🤣🤔🤔😂
Yes, King James’ English, lol.
I never knew he had his own. Wow !! 😮
Well, he was a king. It’s similar to Elizabethan English, I’ve been told.
She had her own English too? Do they change it with every new monarch?? Wow! 🤣😂🤣
Ps thanks for the mention
Yes, sir. You’re welcome.
It’s Monday. Hope you are back at work!
Yes, I am, thank you.
Me as a kid too. Water hose was the best on a hot day.
It is good that everyone is recovering! Prayers offered that it continues.
Thank you so much!
Happy that recovery is progressing. 🙏🏻 prayers up
Thank you so much.
It is getting better.
Wonderful on recovery going well and your family has been mentioned in my prayers. Have a wonderful day/night and remain safe.
I’m so glad you’re all doing ok!
Thank you so much.