I’m Gonna Ride Around In Style (But Not Like Johnny Cash)

I’m Gonna Ride Around In Style (But Not Like Johnny Cash)

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22585 – 898

Here’s the haps:

When I took my 15-minute break today I found the breakroom occupied by my store manager, a store manager from Pueblo, and the District Manager. I texted out to our family’s tribal text and to a couple other friends:

When you take a break in a break room full of managers it feels like being a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs.


To which I received a reply, “Watch your tail,” and some laughs. Then my phone’s keyboard found this gif that just cracked me up. Anyway, I think it’s the look on this poor cat’s face that really expresses it well:

But really, I enjoy my job and I like my bosses and coworkers. My family likes that I don’t come home a complete crab and so physically exhausted and in anywhere near as much pain. I feel very content, even happy, actually, where I am and what I’m doing. This, in and of itself, is truly a blessing and I recognize it as such.

Speaking of blessings, I didn’t tell you guys about what happened to me on black Friday. This was really a blessing, too. You see, for several years now, instead of a computer chair for my desk I used this old kitchen chair:

The chair groans and creaks under my 19 stone frame and has come unglued in places and pounded back together and in general, just is not safe or comfortable. Well, on Black Friday our store had this chair, called the Fennington:

Which normally retails for $270.00 on sale for $99.00 plus a free extended warranty. On top of all that I get an employee discount and so the final cost with sales tax, turned out to be a little over $85.00.

So, I have been rolling around all over and spinning quickly to pay attention in comfort to someone speaking to me from a different angle and tilting back (I have the tilt set kind of stiff because I don’t really like leaning back too much) when I want to. All sorts of things that, if you already have an office chair you probably take for granted but if you have a rickety old wooden kitchen chair you are probably envying, that I couldn’t before.

I think that we should be thankful for all kinds of things we might take for granted on a regular basis. I don’t have any news really to share about my daughter-in-law (Which I would let Ben tell for the most part anyway) but I will say that no news is good news.

Oh. What? The Johnny Cash reference? Sure, it comes from a song he did about an autoworker who decides to take a Cadillac home. One piece at a time. Over several years. In the song he says he’s, “gonna ride around in style/gonna drive everybody wild/cause I’ll have the only one there is around…”

In case you’re interested:


29 responses to “I’m Gonna Ride Around In Style (But Not Like Johnny Cash)”

  1. J P Avatar

    Congratulations on the major chair upgrade. The old chair looked like a great way to keep blog posts short. 🙂

    1. Herb Avatar

      Hahahaha! You would expect so.

  2. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

    Stone ? You an expat ? Or have a large UK following ? Or it’s your modest way of revealing your weight ? 🙄😁

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yes, no, IDK, maybe

      1. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

        No one in America says stone.

        1. Webb Blogs Avatar

          I agree, never heard that before.

          1. Herb Avatar

            I think that’s why I did it.

        2. Herb Avatar

          I know it. That’s why I did it. I mean, why not?

          1. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

            Why not. Best way to say how heavy you are if you want people to work for an answer.. I’m an unhappy 23.5 stone

            1. Herb Avatar

              Yes, I’ve read some of your struggles. Keep doing your best.

        3. Geoff Stamper Avatar

          We use the past tense as in “get stoned.”

          1. Herb Avatar


  3. Margy Avatar

    Great song – as my husband, the Car Guy, would say – unique car but not numbers matching…

  4. achme24gmailcom Avatar

    Best song ever

    1. Herb Avatar

      I love it.

  5. Jim Borden Avatar

    enjoy your new chair – what a great deal! great Johnny Cash sng, but what one isn’t?

    1. Herb Avatar

      He did a lot of great ones.

      1. Jim Borden Avatar


  6. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    I’m working on a kitchen chair as well maybe it’s time for me to make an upgrade. I’ll have to look into it now that you’ve set the standard
    Live to Laugh

    1. Herb Avatar

      It’s easier on my back and neck and even my knees, believe it or not.

      1. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

        Ohh I believe it. I’ve worn out 2 chairs. I’m just between 🤣😂

        1. Herb Avatar


  7. Tony Laplume Avatar

    My dad listened obsessively to a greatest hits Cash compilation that included it. I just read a snobbish article trying to figure him out. I wasn’t aware it was that difficult.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Snobs might overthink him, maybe.

  8. AJMcGregor Avatar

    Your new chair is my new “Comfy”, the wearable blanket! I bought one at Costco and it is WONDERFUL. I’m in it right now and loving every second of it. I’m glad to hear you got the chair. I’ve been thinking of your daughter-in-law and you indicate that things are moving in the right direction. I’ll keep the prayers coming.

    1. Herb Avatar

      The prayers are appreciated. She has a long road ahead but so far things are hopeful.

      1. AJMcGregor Avatar

        I know she has the support of a wonderful family and friends, and that will go a long way, but it’s sad that she and your son have to travel that particular road.

        1. Herb Avatar

          I agree.

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