Killer Title

Killer Title

Award Winning Wednesday – Geoff Stamper at Suicide Squeeze

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22583 – 896

Here’s the haps:

I stole the idea for this killer title from the blog of the frequently brilliant Geoff Stamper called Suicide Squeeze. It’s from his recent post, Killer Headline. But I prefer title to headline, so there. Apparently he looked at some book called The Golden Rules of Blogging and one of the rules of blogging is supposed to be to have a Killer Headline. So, since titles can’t be copyrighted and I was feeling a bit naughty, I decided to steal it. I don’t really care about building readership or anything but write my blog as an exercise for myself. Now, as you should, I hope, know, I am very grateful for each and every one of you who stops by and spends your time reading here. My readers are among the intellectual elite of society with the finest and most exquisite taste in blogs. Youse guys really class up da joint, too.

(In case you’re interested in what the Golden Rule really is I do have a page on my website which lists the teaching from a number of different religious leaders, titled, interestingly enough, The Golden Rule as Taught By Many Religious Leaders )

Don’t let the name of his blog freak you out. In case you know little or nothing about American Baseball, a suicide squeeze is a play, according to the NY Times, Aug. 20, 2006, “…When a runner at third takes off for home during a pitcher’s windup and the batter attempts to bunt — may be the riskiest play in baseball for a simple reason: so much can go wrong.” Like the fact that his blog’s About Page has none of that information so if you know nothing about baseball and have never heard the term, you might expect something very darkly different from what it really is.

Suicide Squeeze is (as far as I have ever seen, to date) a G-rated blog that talks about a wide variety of things that are entirely unrelated to baseball. Like grandparenting and life-living. He talks about his kids and their spouses and his grandchildren, whom he obviously adores and dotes upon. It’s usually humorous with an occasional serious piece that makes you think. There’s usually something for everyone. He posts every day and each post is a paragraph long, with paragraph-length varying some. Definitely a blog worth checking out.

As you know, my award does not require any backlinks or answering a bunch of questions, or finding a bunch of other bloggers to tag. It is not, as many awards are, an Internet chain letter. He can put it in a post or place it on his blog, link to me if he wants, or do nothing whatsoever with it. but I am offering, from Herb’s Blog, the “Herb likes this blog and would like to have coffee with this blogger sometime,” award to the interesting, intelligent, often humorous, occasionally serious, sometimes whimsical Geoff Stamper of the blog Suicide Squeeze.


23 responses to “Killer Title”

  1. Webb Blogs Avatar

    I also follow his page. At first I was a little confused by the name but he did clarify in one of his posts the real meaning of his blog. I do like his blog and try keeping up with the daily posts. Definitely worth checking out. 😁

    1. Herb Avatar


  2. achme24gmailcom Avatar

    Sounds fun

    1. Herb Avatar

      It is!

  3. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    I definitely cannot resist hitting the “like” button on this post. And I definitely read the post to the end. Blogging can yield many surprises. Some days I am discouraged like when I accidentally publish a draft post prematurely. But on a very rare day I may find a pingback like yours, Herb. This is the best award I have ever won. Of course, awards are few and far between, the previous best one being a cigar. 😎 I hope the Universe provides a way for me to have coffee with you some day.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Stranger things have happened in life.

  4. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

    Nice, Geoff’s blog is definitely everything you said. I’ll be honest I know nothing about sports period but the blog intrigued me enough to want to give it a read, and his blog is one of my favorites.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I had to look up what I was talking about. I knew the term was related to baseball but that’s about it.

  5. Sarah Angleton Avatar

    I have only recently discovered Geoff’s blog, but have been finding it delightful. Also, I have a cousin who is the only person I have ever met named Geoff, so I’m happy to know that he’s not completely alone. The award is well deserved.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks. My cousin’s name is just Jeff.

  6. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Very good I checked it out and it’s great
    Saturday laughter is the best (even when it comes on Monday)

    1. Herb Avatar

      Glad to hear it. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

      1. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

        Ohh I wasn’t 😂🤣😂

  7. haoyando Avatar

    I feel the influence of Shakespeare in your last paragraph. How wonderful a post you’ve written. I truly enjoy both yours and Geoff’s posts. i think for almost a year now, or a month or two short of a year. I can imagine the two of you having coffee, or even becoming neighbors for some reason, though I know one is by the big mountain while the other is by the sea. Cheers to a beautiful friendship.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much!

  8. Jim Borden Avatar

    Geoff’s blog is one of may faovorite. and it’s good to know that titles can’t be copyrighted…

    1. Herb Avatar

      Hahaha! I know, right?

  9. AJMcGregor Avatar

    I’ve been meaning to check out Geoff’s blog and you’ve really inspired me to do so.

    1. Herb Avatar

      It’s definitely worth a try.

  10. Petra Avatar

    Oh your Wednesday awards are back, nice.!

    1. Herb Avatar

      I try to do them but sometimes it’s hard. And sometimes it’s hard to decide on one, as well.

  11. J P Avatar

    Now you’ve done it – I’m behind in blog reading and now there’s another to check out. A first world problem to be sure.

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. Hahaha. And I think you will like it, too.

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