Sorry, But I Have No News

Sorry, But I Have No News

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22581 – 894

Here’s the haps:

I know many of you that follow this blog also follow my son’s blog, Brother’s Campfire, and are very concerned because you care about my son and his wife. I apologize but I have about the same amount of knowledge as you all do. This is because he has been spending every minute he humanly can with her and not bothering to blog (Who would?). To give news on our tribal group text would just be too cumbersome. I know very little, next to nothing, actually, and it really is not my story to tell anyway. But there are hundreds, perhaps thousands by now, of people who are praying for her and it has been helping. I feel it would probably be okay to say things are much more hopeful than hopeless but it is a VERY incredibly serious situation and definitely an uphill climb. Thank you for praying for her and please remember to pray for him and my two grandchildren as well.


40 responses to “Sorry, But I Have No News”

  1. ellie894 Avatar

    Praying for All of your family 🙏🌷

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you!

  2. AJMcGregor Avatar

    I am praying for you all, Herb. I was so sorry to read what your son had to say on his blog. Life is just so hard sometimes.

    1. Herb Avatar

      All days are not equal, for sure.

  3. Webb Blogs Avatar

    Your family is in my prayers

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you!

  4. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    I am not forgetting to include you all in my daily prayers.

    1. Herb Avatar


  5. swabby429 Avatar

    Wishing the best for everyone involved.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much!

  6. kagould17 Avatar

    You are all in my prayers Herb. Allan

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much!

  7. Jim Borden Avatar

    sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family…

    1. Herb Avatar


  8. dumbestblogger Avatar

    I had missed Benjamin’s post. Sorry to hear about that. You are all in my prayers.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much. We appreciate it.

  9. mattsnyder1970 Avatar


    1. Herb Avatar


  10. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

    Thanks for the heads up Herb. Ben’s blog never seems to reach my email. ❤🙏 Out to the entire Thiel family.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Oh for goodness sake! I thought we had the email problem fixed. Thanks for letting me know.
      Better check his actual site for info while I work on it.

      1. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

        For the record, i never marked his site as spam. Because I would check my spam folder. So I hope the post on his blog wasn’t aimed at me. I have been subscribing for the longest time never shows up in post notification either. The only way I can see the blog is if I check the reader directly or change the setting to weekly as opposed to daily.

        1. Herb Avatar

          It was NOT aimed at you at all. People sign up and then instead of just unsubscribing they mark it as spam. We will go through all of his settings to make sure the most people can read it when the time allows.

          1. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

            Ok thanks Herb, I just hoped I didn’t create an issue.

            1. Herb Avatar

              NO, but you did help bring it to light. Thank you so much.

  11. achme24gmailcom Avatar

    Always praying

    1. Herb Avatar


  12. haoyando Avatar

    I am praying for you and your son and your family. Things will be better soon and you will feel it. 🙏🙏🙏

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much.

  13. Tony Laplume Avatar

    Life is full of tragedy and sometimes miracles. You will occasionally hear nonsensical philosophy that claims you can’t know good without also knowing bad. But even Genesis contradicts that. Adam & Eve couldn’t be tempted with something that was beyond their comprehension, regardless of their inability to grasp just how badly God would react, and what life would be like as a result. They knew only good in Eden. But they were not ignorant. The gift and course of human intelligence is to grasp even that which we have not experienced. But this is also to say, if life feels too often like tragedy, we have the ability to appreciate the miracles all the more for it. Even in the midst of tragedy, miracles are not a balm. They wait patiently. They’re there even when we don’t see them. That’s God in a nutshell, too. When we’re ready, we will see them again. That’s the true nature of the world. It is full of abject wonder.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks for that. That’s a good take.

  14. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    I am praying…

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much!

  15. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    I don’t need news. Love and prayers to them and you
    Saturday laughter is the best

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you.

  16. Garfield Hug Avatar

    I am sorry to hear about this. I send warm blessings of healing to your son and his wife. Take care Herb.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so very much!

  17. Ryan Callahan Avatar

    I just saw the news on Benjamin’s blog today. Our family will be praying for his wife and the whole family. God’s comfort and peace to you all.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you. It is much appreciated.

  18. J P Avatar

    Oh no! My getting here late has left me blissfully ignorant of your family situation. Be assured of my prayers going forward.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much! Prayers are still needed as she has a long row to hoe.

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