NaBloPoMo Day 19 – Oops! I Forgot That Was On The Calendar

NaBloPoMo Day 19 – Oops! I Forgot That Was On The Calendar

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22568 – 881

Here’s the haps:

Last night when I posted I forgot that tonight I was scheduled for a sleep study tonight. For many years my poor wife has tolerated my snoring like a polar bear or my completely stopping breathing for a long time. My doc at the VA has been making things happen and this is one of them. I had a previous sleep study quite some time ago but the results never got into the right hands. I will be being fitted for a CPAP machine tonight.

There have been a couple of big, personal hurdles for me today. Fridays are a big day at work, business-wise and freight-wise. On top of that, I was not allowed to consume any caffeine at all. I could not have my hot, black coffee that’s so thick I could float a mule shoe in it. Oh, woe is me! Alas and alack the day! I have been crabby and my head hurts a bit. Oh, well. It’s just one day and if this is the biggest problem I ever have to face in life, I will probably be okay. Our Bishop’s wife once said, “You have already lived through the worst day of your life, several of them.”


12 responses to “NaBloPoMo Day 19 – Oops! I Forgot That Was On The Calendar”

  1. Tony Laplume Avatar

    I feel bad for coffee people. Especially when I make my terrible joke about when you cough you should be drinking coffee…

  2. kagould17 Avatar

    I am with you on missing coffee Herb. Good luck on the sleep study. Allan

  3. Jim Borden Avatar

    Ihope the sleep study goes well.

    I did not know that polar bears were known for snoring…

  4. Chel Owens Avatar

    We just had our newborn circumcized. If you underwent the same treatment as a baby then yes, you’ve already had the worst day of your life. 🙂

    And I never drink coffee. Stop whining.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Ha! Now you’ve made me sputter coffee all over the screen.

  5. Amber Avatar

    I’ve been missing coffee for weeks. Still have a couple months to go. I’m used to the stimulant helping inflammation. I miss it.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I’m genuinely sorry to hear that.

  6. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    This is why I am a tea drinker there are so many other versions to fall back on
    Keep Laughing

    1. Herb Avatar


  7. J P Avatar

    Oooooh, right there with you on the coffee!

    I sometimes feel like the only person in the US over 50 who does not have a CPAP machine. My Mrs has one and it actually makes for some pleasant white noise and helps me fall asleep. I hope it’s working out for you.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, the VA hasn’t gotten back to me yet. I will write about it, though.

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