Oh No!  A Spider In The Bath!

Oh No! A Spider In The Bath!

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22409 – 843:

Here’s the haps:

First, on the insurance front, I have decided that a formal complaint letter to the Division of Insurance is going to be my jumping off place. Their actions were egregious enough for me to want to call on the authorities to fine them, censure them, and make them accountable for their actions. However, because I am working on doing that I have less time to do fun stuff. For now. I will share everything with you when the time is right but the process may take a while.

In the meantime, other, fun stuff has been happening as well.

The five-year old grandson is here this week. He is very creative and likes practical jokes as five-year olds are oft-times wont to do. For this joke he made all the props himself. He calls me Grandpapa because his mom is ma-MA with the accent on the last syllable so her mom would be GrandmaMA. This makes me, by default, grandpapa. I don’t get any special accents, though. It’s kind of neat that some of them come up with their own little ways of saying it. It never gets old, either and with a couple more on the way the adventure becomes more interesting and exciting.

“Grandpapa! Grandpapa! You have to come quick! There’s a ginormous spider in the bathtub.”

“Well, squish it. Bugs don’t belong in the house.”

“It’s too big. Come and see.”

So I follow him in there and I look into the tub and see:

Which, of course elicits all the appropriate screaming and hollering.

Yes. Pine cone spiders! Big, creepy, and scary.


33 responses to “Oh No! A Spider In The Bath!”

  1. Amber Avatar


    1. Herb Avatar

      It was very cool.

    2. J P Avatar

      Ooh, it’s a good thing you got it out of your bathtub. If you ignore one pine cone spider, soon you’ll have a small forest growing there and then you’ll have pine cone spiders everywhere. I don’t think they’ve had any natural predators since Ewell Gibbons died.

      What fun the two of you have.

      1. Herb Avatar

        LOL. Yes, old Ewell was a fright to a pine tree.

  2. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

    I was so grateful it was pine cone spider🤭

    1. Herb Avatar

      Me too!

  3. swabby429 Avatar

    The kid has a healthy imagination.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Oh yeah. He’s very imaginative.

  4. haoyando Avatar

    Wow, that is scary. LOL. It looks like something out of a horror movie. I wonder if it can manage to frighten those insurance assessment people. I know they are tough to deal with and they are hired to frustrate eligible people who have rightful claims. But you will fight on. Be firm and consistent. You will prevail.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much for the support. Yes, I was impressed but I am probably biased, lol.

  5. cheriewhite Avatar

    LOL I love this, Herb! And I’m impressed with his artwork. Your grandbaby is being raised to be creative and a practical joker, which is a good thing. <3

    1. Herb Avatar

      He does have a good sense of humor.

      1. cheriewhite Avatar

        Absolutely! I can only imagine how much of a comedian he’s going to be as he gets older! 😀

  6. Al Avatar

    That’s pretty clever. If I was a sci-fi movie producer I’d consider using those in my next flick!

    1. Herb Avatar

      It was a lot of fun.

  7. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    Oh those crazy grandkids(which I actually know little about)!

    1. Herb Avatar

      They are a lot of fun!

  8. tonylaplume Avatar

    Being considerate of such critters, I still would’ve stuck it in a jar and released it outside. And I would have done it with a straight face.

    1. Herb Avatar

      LOL. You’re a better man than I. Gunga Din. I don’t know. I guess if it were something so unusual I might do a similar thing. B. I. (Before the Internet) I have been known to take insects to the university extension office when I couldn’t identify them.

  9. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    I can tell you have already been a big influence on your five year old grandson. Be sure to point that out to his teachers as he progresses through school. They will want to give you the credit you deserve.

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. Only until he does the glue-on-teacher’s-chair thing, then I’ll be quiet.

      1. Geoff Stamper Avatar

        Good to see you are planning ahead. You need to be prepared.

  10. Margy Avatar

    The kid is very creative. He could do blog posts for you – demonstrating how he makes these things!

    1. Herb Avatar

      That is a really cool idea!

  11. dumbestblogger Avatar

    What a scary spider!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Oh, it was!

  12. 5thgenerationgirl Avatar

    Ooh how adorable. I love fun stuff like this. My best times are the adventures with my g-son’s (11 & 3), hence why they call me G-ma lol!

    1. Herb Avatar

      I have one who calls me G’Pa, too. lol. Yeah, if I knew how much fun grandkids would be I would’ve had them first.

  13. Petra Avatar

    Awesome! But you know, there really was a spider in my bathtub the other day…eeeek

  14. AJMcGregor Avatar

    This is such a cute post! Thank you.

  15. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Did you manage to kill that monster or did you have to move?
    Laughter; After a thousand years still your best entertainment value

    1. Herb Avatar

      I managed to get it out of there somehow.

  16. LAMarcom Avatar

    This is turning into a ‘Red-Letter-Day’ for me.

    Thanks to you and Dumbestblogger, I have laughed out loud several times.


    Hey, if you ever have time, please check out my ‘Spider’ Post:

    “Spiders, Spiders Everywhere and all the Girls Did Shriek! Spiders, Spiders Everywhere, Even in the Sink!”

    Texan Tales & HIEROGLYPHICS

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