I Took The First Shot And Now I Love Windows 10

I Took The First Shot And Now I Love Windows 10

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22387 – 838:

Here’s the haps:

Dr. Fauci not being my primary care physician I decided to talk to my own doctor about the ominous shot. She said that since I already had gotten Covid a few months ago I could probably wait for a while if I wanted to. Which is what I did. I am extremely annoyed at the whole two-shot idea and wanted to get the single-shot and planned to wait. Then after the CDC made their statement that if a person is fully vaccinated they don’t need to wear the mask, the governor of our state said the same thing. Our store management (with blessings from on high in Bentonville, I’m sure) said that members could enter the store without a mask. Since we (obviously?) can’t ask anyone to show us proof of vaccination we just accept them coming in and out of the store, sans mask.

“Well, Boss Lady, what about us frontline workers?”
“Any employee who has been fully vaccinated for at least fourteen days can go without a mask. Just bring me proof of your vaccination. We will also add seventy-five dollars onto the next paycheck after that proof is received.”

So, I made my appointment for the first shot. I was aggravated at the fact that now if I wanted to get the single-shot shot I would have to drive to Denver or Pueblo. Oh, well. I took the shot in the arm and while I did have some fatigue and my arm is sore and I have to wait three weeks to get the second one, I have survived. The joke in my title simply refers to Bill Gates investing money in finding a vaccine. I accept Windows 10 but I can’t say I love it. Maybe after I get the second shot…


42 responses to “I Took The First Shot And Now I Love Windows 10”

  1. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    I was thinking of getting a mask design of a photograph of the lower half of my face. That way it would look like I was not wearing a mask but I would have all the discomfort of wearing one.

    1. Herb Avatar

      That’s a great idea. You could have different ones made, a smiley face, a sad face, a face only a mother could love…

    2. Brothers Campfire Avatar

      I like it.

    3. dumbestblogger Avatar


      1. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

        Just have an artist tatoo a mask on your face then nobody will know or not

        1. dumbestblogger Avatar


        2. Herb Avatar

          I think I saw that on the Babylon Bee, but I can’t remember.

  2. Petra Avatar

    My colleagues and I got vaccinated as a priority group because I work at the University, but we got stuck with AstraZeneca where the second shot is after 12 weeks. So although one shot of AZ counts as vaccinated after 3 weeks in Slovenia, it doesn’t hold up for other countries. Essentially all my friends who got other shots in the regular line will be fully vaccinated before we end up getting the second shot, which is another example of the epic Slovenian organization.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I’m sorry for your misadventure but At least it’s getting done.

  3. Sarah Angleton Avatar

    I can’t believe what a psychological boost it has been to see smiling faces again in stores, especially from the unmasked people working there who just seem to have an extra spring in their steps. Stay the course. My family is now 3/4 of the way fully vaccinated. My oldest gets his second dose this week and my youngest will get his second in about three weeks. Then two more weeks after that we’ll all be good to go. It sounds like a long time when it’s all stacked up like that, but I’m just grateful the day is in sight. Makes me smile. At strangers. In public. And they smile back. 😊

    1. Brothers Campfire Avatar

      Indeed. Being in the people business, I found it important to be vaccinated.

    2. Herb Avatar

      Smiles are really nice to see even with a mask on. But you’re right, it is a boost and people are being nicer.

  4. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

    Honestly after surviving Covid back in February – April of 2020, I never quite felt 100%. After getting shot #2 of phizer I feel like me again, like it helped rid any lingering ounce of the virus from my system. If the vaccine becomes a yearly thing. I am on board.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks for that input. A lot of people have told me that the second shot made them feel great. I’m sure it will be an annual thing.

  5. kagould17 Avatar

    Congrats on your shot. We got our first one March 29, but have to wait a bit for the second. I never had any doubt about getting the shot, even with all the conspiracy theories. My thought was that I would rather be a guinea pig than a victim. We have alreay lost one relative to Covid, a 55 year old friend got it with serious consequences (life time diabetic now) and our neighbours next door all had it. We get the ful shot yearly without any issues, so Covid annually, why not? There are plenty of bugs yet to come and we must do what makes us comfortable to carry on. Unfortuanately, my sister is a non believer and my plder brother, while a believer says he is not going to get the shot. Hard to understand, but their choice. Stay well Herb. Allan

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks Allan. I was just being silly and having a little fun with the assorted conspiracy theories. But, really, have you noticed how wonderful Windows 10 really is?

      1. kagould17 Avatar

        I’m OK with Windows 10, perhaps not so much with Bill, these days. HaHa.

        1. Herb Avatar

          lol. true.

  6. dumbestblogger Avatar

    I really think you should consider switching to Fauci, why have a primary care physician who understands your personal situation and medical condition when you could follow generalized edicts from a TV doctor with questionable motives who is totally unaware of your medical history?

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, he and the general media made sure that any dissenting voices about any portion of the argument were effectively silenced. I’m not arguing with 75 bucks, though and my thinking is that any holdouts will be required to do it anyway. All throughout this thing I have been thinking, “Andromeda Strain.”

      1. dumbestblogger Avatar

        I’d actually never heard of that before, but some quick googling leads me to believe that you’re into something. Another fun thing to google is “Fauci AIDS AZT.”

        Hell, for 75 bucks you could darn well punch me in the face.

  7. AJMcGregor Avatar

    Well, our genius, ex-drama teacher, Trudeau has done such a bang-up job of securing vaccines for the country that I have to wait 4 months between Pfizer shots. Every time I see his face, I want to light his beard on fire!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Now there’s a vivid word picture!

  8. Amber Avatar

    I will pray for your sanity 🤣

    1. Herb Avatar

      You should have been before now!😂😂

    2. J P Avatar

      Congratulations on joining our human trial. My Mrs and I got our shots several weeks back but I would be lying if I said I had no occasional second thoughts. As a healthy guy, I understand what could happen if I catch Covid. I am not entirely sure I understand the universe of possible outcomes with the shots. Fortunately I regard the here and now as a transitory state so I am ultimately ok with whatever happens. Although $75 wouldn’t have hurt. 🙂

      1. J P Avatar

        Oops, didn’t mean this to be a reply to Amber. Stupid cell phones.

        1. Herb Avatar

          lol. You can help Amber pray. hahaha.

      2. Herb Avatar

        The $75 did help motivate me. Have I told you how great Windows 95 is? (I only have the first shot, lololol)

        1. pendantry Avatar

          95>10 so it should be better 😀

          1. Herb Avatar


  9. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    I got both my shots and all I got was a free donut. For 75 bucks who knows what I’d do BTW Windows 10 doesn’t get any better with two doses unless they’re doses of whiskey
    Laugh Now! You can be crabby anytime

    1. Herb Avatar


  10. CARL R D'Agostino Avatar

    I got the 2 Moderna shots but now they’re saying even thoughed vaxed we’ll all need a booster in 10 or 12 months. I think this is going to go one forever – shots – the new normal.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I think you’re probably right.

  11. hjonasson Avatar

    Getting my first one today! In Sweden we have to wait 7 weeks for the second. Ugh!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Wow. That sounds like a long time to me.

  12. stevescountry Avatar

    I never had a problem with getting the shot, after suffering through Covid and still fighting it’s lingering effects it was an easy choice. And if it’s an annual thing, no big deal, I get the flu shot annually too. As someone else mentioned, here in Canada we have to wait 4 months to get the second shot, the only country in the world that waits that long. Will it still work after such a long wait? No one really knows. Sigh.🙄🙀

    1. Herb Avatar

      No one really knows anything at this point. I get the flu shot every year, too. Some years I get the flu, some years I don’t. We’ll have to wait and see.

      1. stevescountry Avatar

        Yep, I rather think it will become a yearly shot, but no vaccine is 100% effective anyway. It would be nice though.

  13. haoyando Avatar

    Congratulations on your vaccine shot. And the $75 raise. Now life is slowing going back to normal, although I have to say a lot of small businesses here are not going to come back. Is it true that the shot is going to be every one or two years? It will be like the flu shot… Wow. It won’t be a problem here, but I wonder how those poor countries handle this financial burden.

    1. Herb Avatar

      That’s a good question. It does sound like it’s going to be like the annual flu shot from what little I know of it.

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