Award Winning Wednesday – Haoyan Do at Casual Notes Along The Margin

Award Winning Wednesday – Haoyan Do at Casual Notes Along The Margin

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22384 – 835:

Here’s the haps:

I haven’t done one of these for quite a long time but for a while there, life had been getting in the way of blogging on a regular schedule. For me, a schedule is really important. Plus I have been working on a writing project and am starting to take an online class for web development. But the scheduling is a big deal for me. If I don’t commit to posting at least once a day I wind up putting it off and putting it off. As a matter of fact, I have every intention of starting a Procrastinator’s Club in the future sometime.

But it is my current intent to go back to one of the more popular features I have had in the past where I share with you a blog I have discovered that I think is worth my time to follow and is, in my opinion, worth sharing with the highly intelligent audience that follows this blog. I would like to present you the blog: Haoyan Do – Casual Notes Along The Margin. This blog has been interesting to me because I am not particularly knowledgeable about Asian culture or being a non-native English speaker trying to maneuver the pitfalls of our very idiomatic and often inexplicable language. But this blog is not simply about those things. This blog also has fictional stories and poems that are based on real-life characters and experiences as well as her discoveries of new words and their uses. She is very kind and thoughtful and down-to-earth. And I cannot think of a post of hers that I have read which would require anything worse than a “G” or “PG” rating.

As you know, my award does not require any back-links or answering a bunch of questions or finding a bunch of other bloggers to tag. She can put it in a post or place it on her blog, link to me if she wants, or do nothing whatsoever with it. but I am offering, from Herb’s Blog, the “Herb likes this blog and would like to have coffee with this blogger sometime,” award to the interesting, intelligent, sometimes whimsical Blog, Haoyan Do at Casual Notes Along The Margin.


29 responses to “Award Winning Wednesday – Haoyan Do at Casual Notes Along The Margin”

  1. Tangie Avatar

    Herb, I will check out the recommended blog.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you.

  2. Amber Avatar

    How nice and beautiful

    1. Herb Avatar

      It really is.

  3. AJMcGregor Avatar

    I’ll have to check it out, Herb. Interesting post, as always.

    1. Herb Avatar

      It’s definitely worth the look. And thank you, as always, for your kind, supportive words.

  4. Lisa Mae ❤️ Avatar

    I would join your procrastinators club… and will check out the blog you recommended!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yeah, I’ll start the club, um, in a while.
      Thanks. It’s definitely worth a look.

  5. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

    very cool

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you.

  6. haoyando Avatar

    Wow, thank you so much, Herb. You’ve made my day and my month too. LOL. I am going to add this link to my anniversary post right now. Your award really gives me the encouragement to continue to write about things happening around me. Although I’ve been afraid sometimes that nobody would be interested, your post has convinced me otherwise. And connections can be made between people coming from completely different backgrounds and holding completely different views.

    1. Herb Avatar

      You’re welcome. I agree, connections can be made between people no matter what, really.

  7. Geoff Stamper Avatar

    A wonderful tribute to a Blog I also look forward to every day. You have good taste, Herb!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, I do follow Suicide Squeeze, too.

      1. Geoff Stamper Avatar

        Yes, I appreciate that your tastes are eclectic. It automatically makes you one of my favorite people in the Universe!

        1. Herb Avatar

          Wow! Thank you so much . I take that as high praise indeed.

  8. Beverly Avatar

    Thanks, her blog is very interesting.

    1. Herb Avatar

      You’re welcome. I find it interesting.

      1. Beverly Avatar


  9. Pooja G Avatar

    I absolutely love her blog- it’s very relatable for me and she is wonderful to chat with!

    1. Herb Avatar

      She is a very real person and I like that.

  10. Iseult Murphy Avatar

    I must join that procrastination club too sometime.
    Great award, Herb. Must check out the blog.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yeah, I have several people who will be charter members.

  11. dumbestblogger Avatar

    Nice to see this award again, I’ll have to check out the blog when I get a minute.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I find it interesting.

  12. Jacqui Murray Avatar

    Nice award. I’ll check her blog out.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks. These were some of my best liked posts.

  13. J P Avatar

    I hate things like this – a recommendation of a high quality blog from another high quality blog. I hate it because now I want to read it. But I am already weeks behind in reading other blogs and this thing called work keeps me from valuable blog-reading time. A good problem to have, I suppose.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I’m sorry, lol. Then you probably don’t want to click on my categories, “Award Winning Wednesday” or “Special” because I try to highlight some of the best blogs I follow.

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