Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021:  T Is For Talk Like Shakespeare Day

Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: T Is For Talk Like Shakespeare Day

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22358 – 822:

Here’s the haps:

I usually say something about Shakespeare on the twenty-third of April every year. It is, as best as anybody can tell, the day he was both born and died, 1564 – 1616. This year I am more aware than ever of the global reach of the Internet and I know I have several readers from the U.K. which makes me slightly self-conscious. Okay. I’m over it. As I thought over this post I realized that if I were to post some of his stuff I wouldn’t be able to boast a “G” rating anymore. When you read a lot of Shakespeare it’s got “PG-13” jokes, and even “R” rating in a lot of places. I mean, when MacDuff comes walking back with Macbeth’s head in hand? Or all the people killed at the end of Hamlet? What about the puns at the beginning of Romeo and Juliet? Easily “PG-13” material or worse. He became very influential at court because both Queen Elizabeth and King James loved the theater. There is a story, which I call anecdotal because I couldn’t find a reliable source I felt was trustworthy, that James even had Ol’ Bill work on some of the Bible he was working on. I found several places that pointed out that, in Psalm 46, the 46th word from the beginning is “shake” and the 46th word from the end (not counting selah which may be a musical notation) is “spear” and Shakespeare was 46 years old. Most of that is just fluff and stuff but kind of interesting nonetheless.

Since the day is pretty much gone I will just leave you with a video clip of an abbreviated version of the prologue to Henry V from a favorite video game of mine, Civilization II, followed by an attempt at a sonnet of tribute written by myself in 2015.

O but could my muse be a muse of fire?
Could my tribute unto the Bard aspire
To do justice unto his genius
Whilst being of my own inspiration?
For me there is a line that’s like a prayer
Unto Heaven, “O For a muse of fire
That would ascend the brightest heaven of
Invention” in the form that I do love,
Suff’ring the slings and arrows of critics
Who without talent are hypocritic’
For they would not try what I have just done
And compose a sonnet whilst on the run

Do their criticisms weigh or matter?
Can they write iambic pentameter?


33 responses to “Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: T Is For Talk Like Shakespeare Day”

  1. Chel Owens Avatar

    “Give me more soldiers, that they may sheath their swords in the beating hearts of our enemies!!” 😀 Best game ever.

    Oh, and Happy Bard Day.

    1. Herb Avatar

      YAY! “Your majesty, there are matters other than this blunted spearpoint to attend to.”😁

      1. Chel Owens Avatar

        I concur, your excellency.

        1. Herb Avatar

          😆It’s nice to meet someone else who has played Civ 2. Have you played any of the others in the series. I think Civ 2 had the most personality, though.

          1. Chel Owens Avatar

            I’ve tried … Civ V? I think. Kev and my older two boys are doing VI right now. I just loved so much about 2: the videos, the advisors, the game play (except I considered spies to be cheating!).

            1. Herb Avatar

              Well, I like the spies when I’m using them, lol. I’ve played them all up to V. I have VI but I haven’t really enjoyed it so far.

              1. Chel Owens Avatar

                It seems more complicated in bad ways. The boys do enjoy making funny names for their religion.

                1. Herb Avatar

                  Yeah. It doesn’t really matter.

  2. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

    for an attempt at writing a sonnet you did a great job

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you!

      1. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

        Herb are you Ben’s brother ?

        1. Herb Avatar

          Thanks for the great compliment! I’m Ben’s dad.

          1. mattsnyder1970 Avatar

            Ah gotcha….You look young my friend.

            1. Herb Avatar


  3. haoyando Avatar

    Wow, I just look up Civilization II and it is a great video game. I almost wish that I can play it. LOL. Does it have Falstaff together with Henry V in it? Poor Falstaff. Love the character and sigh for his falling from the favor, which is almost inevitable. LOL.

    1. Herb Avatar

      It’s a great game and I wish I could play it again. It doesn’t have Falstaff or Henry V but it can be modded pretty easily. Yes, poor Falstaff.

  4. Bruce Goodman Avatar

    I enjoyed your sonnet!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you!

  5. Amber Avatar

    Hmm…iambic pentameter

    1. Herb Avatar


    2. Herb Avatar

      But you did write iambic pentameter!

  6. dumbestblogger Avatar


    1. Herb Avatar


  7. The Tin Cup Clan Avatar

    Question? Why do some of us still pray in Shakespearean English? Ya think GOD still talks like that? Jus’ wonderin’

    1. Herb Avatar

      Well, when I’m getting down to serious business I pray just the way I talk to any of my other friends.

  8. AJMcGregor Avatar

    There’s nothing like doing a face plant into your birthday cake! I expect the party that years wasn’t a whole lot of fun.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Comment on the wrong post or am I missing something profound. Both things happen from time-to-time.

      1. AJMcGregor Avatar

        I’ve just always envisioned Shakespeare dying and going face first into his birthday cake since he was thought to have been born on the 23rd and died on the 23rd. It’s tasteless, not profound – and don’t do a pun on tasteless with the birthday cake! 😊

        1. Herb Avatar

          LOL! 🤦‍♂️

  9. Petra Avatar

    Have you tried talk like a pirate day too?

    1. Herb Avatar

      Aye, lass! We do it around here, even when it be not the actual day! Aarrgghh.

  10. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Good stuff
    Laughter Beats Pneunomia!! I now have proof positive!

    1. Herb Avatar


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