Blither and Blather – My Policy on Likes and Comments and Follows – Oh My!

Blither and Blather – My Policy on Likes and Comments and Follows – Oh My!

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22177 – 747:

Dearly Beloved Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Foundlings, Fronkensteens, and Hodge-Podge, Esoteric, and Eclectic Collection of Followers,

There are a lot of blogs I follow that I am not sure how I even wound up following them. One way is when I am visiting someone else’s blog that I have followed for a while and I see a comment left by someone that I think was clever or interesting and is relevant to that post, I click on their avatar. If they have their link configured correctly, I will go and check out their blog and see if they really are all that clever and if they are someone I think I might like to follow. I will read a couple of their posts and if I like them, I like them (see what I did there? Hardy-har-har). Many times a post will elicit a comment from me and I connect with that person on some level.

Other times a person will leave a “like” on a post of mine and out of curiosity I will go see what they are about. If a person comments on a post I am generally a little more interested and can also tell a tiny bit about them. If the comment is genuine. If you comment on my blog I will comment back, unless I feel certain that you are just a spammer. I make a real effort to respond to every comment although with the new job schedule it can take a day or two. I really like getting comments. I appreciate that a person would take their valuable time and speak to me about what I have written. I am respectful of the time and energy it takes to make a comment and I don’t delete or block anyone whether I agree with them or not. Obviously, I reserve the right to do that, especially if your comment is vulgar and rude.

Now when I read blogs on other platforms it’s not the same because they don’t have the “like” button but they do have a comments section. Sometimes I will leave a comment but other times I won’t. My goal is to say something relevant to the post.

Here’s the thing, I don’t just click the “like” button, the “comment” button, or the “follow” button unless I mean it.

If I click “like” on your post it means that I have read the full post from beginning to end but either don’t have time or inclination to comment.

If I leave a comment it will be something related to that post or, in the case of poetry (James, perhaps, being the exception with his poetic interludes) I may make a simple remark on the order of, “That was beautiful” or “that brought a tear to my eye” or sometimes I will click the “like” button as my comment. Photo blogs it’s kind of the same way. You have taken a beautiful picture and I may not be able to come up with a thousand words to describe it. Actually, I do comment occasionally on the ones I follow. Oh, by the way, if a video blog is a vlog, is a photo blog a phlog?

I can’t remember where I was going with all this but when I started out I had a definite plan to say something important. Oh, I know, “Something important.”


43 responses to “Blither and Blather – My Policy on Likes and Comments and Follows – Oh My!”

  1. Brothers Campfire Avatar

    Phlogs ….🤠🔥 I find 1000 words to be worth 1000 words with some Phlogs. Others have excellent content.
    Great read and great policy.

    1. Herb Avatar


  2. achme24gmailcom Avatar

    Well then. On that note….1000 words is a lot of imagery

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. Sometimes more than others.

  3. Zoewiezoe Avatar

    We have matching policies I’d say!
    And indeed – comments are THE best!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yay! Yes ma’am, I agree.

  4. Paul Avatar

    I’m pretty much the same. When I like a post, it’s an acknowledgement that I have read the post and that it was either amusing, interesting or just worth reading. If I don’t comment then it’s because I have nothing relevant or intelligent to add.

    1. Herb Avatar

      I think that’s fair.

  5. swabby429 Avatar

    Our outlook about likes and etcetera are similar. There are few rare instances from time to time, that I will read then click “like”. Later, that blogger will click half a dozen or more of my posts in rapid succession. There’s no way they could have read six or a dozen of my posts within a span of one-minute. This is very disheartening because I do not blog to earn likes or stars. I only want to put out my two-cents and maybe have someone read it.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yes, I agree. When that happens I think it is suspect as well.

  6. GP Cox Avatar

    That cartoon certainly describes me! I usually just click a like button if I like the post, but I do not always have the time to comment on the hundreds I follow – or the imagination for that matter. (which is why I stay with non-fiction topics! haha). Too many people put out 3, 4, or more posts a day and I just can’t get to everyone if I’m busy checking out every post from one person.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yes sir. That makes solid sense to me.

  7. Beck Avatar

    The cartoon! 😂
    I always try to comment if I’ve read a post but sometimes I just can’t find anything so say (what?!?! I know that’s shocking)
    The like button actually terrifies me. Sometimes I wish it wasn’t there. I would rather have a few genuinely interested readers than millions of disinterested followers.
    The like button just makes it easy to pretend read and doesn’t mean much to me. But a comment? Those I LOVE!

    1. Herb Avatar

      I thnk there are many of us who agree.

  8. dumbestblogger Avatar

    I like pretty much every post I read, unless I strongly disagree with the content and don’t want to leave the impression that I am in agreement. “Likes” for me are more of a marker, so that if I see that post again I’ll know that I’ve already read it. That may be a terrible letdown to everyone who thinks I genuinely believe that I like their content, but I find it quite convenient.

    1. Brothers Campfire Avatar

      I use mine as a marker as well.

      1. dumbestblogger Avatar

        Great minds think like.

        1. Bruce Avatar

          I do the same – a like means I’ve read it. A like on a comment means I’ve seen it too. If I dislike it, I shut up.

          1. dumbestblogger Avatar

            I read that comment.

            1. Bruce Avatar

              His sins were scarlet but his blogs were red.

              1. dumbestblogger Avatar

                And then it snowed.

                1. Bruce Avatar

                  I believe it’s cold enough in Wisconsin to freeze both a President and an audience.

                  1. dumbestblogger Avatar

                    You clearly are more up to date on these things than me.

              2. Herb Avatar

                You’ve visited the actual blog and seen the Random Quotes widget! That’s one I really like.

                1. Bruce Avatar

                  It’s a quotation from Hillaire Belloc that I know:
                  When I’m gone let it be said,
                  His sins were scarlet but his books were red.

    2. Herb Avatar

      That’s a good way to turn it into a useful tool.

  9. Jasmine Rose Avatar

    That cartoon though! 😂😂 its a mood! 😂😂
    I absolutely agree! I only like posts that I have genuinely read and liked. Though sometimes I like posts to show that I have read it. I know I have followers who just like my posts without reading. 😂😂 I love it when someone takes the time to comment and communicate with me. My followers usually do because I have the kindest followers ever. 😊😊

    1. Herb Avatar

      I think we feel the same on the issue.

  10. Cindy Georgakas Avatar

    Nice Herb! You must have talked to your son/ brother (I’m so confused as you’re all in the fam) since we emailed.. Lol. 🤣 I do the same but with really reliable and trusted followers info and a busy schedule, I will like and skim.. As our followers grow it’s tougher and I do like comments for sure. ❤️ Cindy

    1. Herb Avatar

      I only do his technical, what I call the mechanical side, of his site.

      1. Cindy Georgakas Avatar

        Gotch Herb! ❤️

  11. AJMcGregor Avatar

    After reading every word of this post, I feel I have to say something. Something. (As you can see, this comment is your fault.)

    1. Herb Avatar

      Hahahaha! I really did laugh out loud.

  12. kristianw84 Avatar

    Hahaha. I like “phlog”. I do the same, like a post when I actually like it. I don’t always comment because I don’t always know what to say. I can’t stand it when people play the follow/unfollow game just to rack up their numbers. It takes time and effort to write a blog post, and I wish people respected that. I’m so thankful for the ones who do. Thank you for being one of them!

    1. Herb Avatar

      And thank you, too. Yes, sometimes I just don’t have anything to say. Either the post said it all or it’s not something I would comment on in conversation, either.

  13. Margy Avatar

    Totally agree – until you lost your train of thought – but probably agree with where ever you were going.

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. My train of thought often gets de-railed.

  14. 💕🌺Shanessa💕🌺 Avatar

    Phlog😂😂 good one! Makes sense right? I have a photography blog with one of my blogger friends so I guess its a phlog?😂 I may start calling it that! Yes, I like posts when I have read the whole thing. I comment if have a story I want to share, find the post interesting, or funny, or if I want to stop by and say hi.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Very cool. The term phlog isn’t original with me but I can’t remember where I picked it up.

  15. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    I thought Floggers were outlawed in the middle ages. Although I do love some photo blogs
    I believe in what you said and go it my self

    Laugh On

    1. Herb Avatar

      Just don’t flog the phlogger. Thank you for the comment.

  16. Shooting Nebula Avatar

    If it were in my control, I would have made it a universal policy for the blogosphere!
    I generally read the comment section as well, and I am enjoying yours, Bruce’s, and Dumbest Blogger’s conversations.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you so much!

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