A Little About My New Schedule

A Little About My New Schedule

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22150 – 722:

Thanks to the scheduling feature in WordPress I am able to set this to go at about the time I have been posting. During my training period my posts may be short, like this one or I may wind up missing one or two. I’m going to see, though. It’s kind of become a matter of personal pride and a sense of accomplishment to post every single day without missing. You are all wonderful and encouraging readers and I appreciate your coming by all the time.

My schedule this week is 3pm to 11:30pm and today was an odd day because I had a few errands to run and unlike some of the younger set of my readers, I need sleep for some reason. I know, what a silly old fogey, but that’s life.

I will be answering all your comments and going around and leaving comments within a couple of days. Next week is a normal week and the week after is one I can work around as well. They want me to know what each shift does and then I will find out a more or less regular-ish schedule.

At least it isn’t like when I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off.


11 responses to “A Little About My New Schedule”

  1. swabby429 Avatar

    The scheduling feature is something I’ve relied upon for the past few years. On generalized topics, it allows me to review and edit a post a day or two before it’s published. I wonder how many other WordPress bloggers use this feature regularly.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Oh, I think many do use it. I am happier when I get ahead but I just don’t stay ahead.

    2. pendantry Avatar

      The only posts I ever publish immediately are reblogs. All others are scheduled in advance, because I’ve learned that a post needs time to marinade; it’s almost always the case that when I think it’s ready to go and hit ‘publish’, I find that it actually still needs more work.

      1. swabby429 Avatar

        This makes complete sense.

  2. achme24gmailcom Avatar

    Taking days off might work but then the calendar would be confused

    1. Herb Avatar

      Lol. I guess you’re right.

  3. colinmcqueen Avatar

    I use it all the time, but you, Herb, are the bane of my life 😉 How on earth you know what subject I have scheduled and then post on the same subject just the day before, I do not know! Good luck with the new work schedule and the WP schedule. The calendar gag, BTW, made me LOL 🙂

  4. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Which day did you take off?? It couldn’t have been all that important. I guess I missed it

    Laughing is good for the soul

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thank you.

  5. Sam "Goldie" Kirk Avatar

    Just rolling with the punches, huh?

    1. Herb Avatar

      Yeah, for now, anyway.

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