A Couple Of Short Poems I found In The Files

A Couple Of Short Poems I found In The Files

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22149 – 721:

used by license from andertoons.com

Sometimes when it’s getting late or I don’t have any inspiration, or like the guy in the cartoon above my muse just isn’t working, I go traipsing through the archives and files trying to find something I’d like to present to you, Gentle Reader.

My first few weeks on the job are going to be pretty screwy, schedule-wise, because they want me to learn what each shift does. This makes an awful lot of sense to me but I will have to work a little harder on scheduling blogging time. I am having fun though, re-reading some of the poems from the older notebooks. I also love a lot of the cartoons I collected from Andertoons during the period I had a subscription. Part of his licensing is that if I got it while I was his member I can use it according to the other guidelines.

End Or Beginning?

Last page of notebook
This is gone start again new
Ah well such is life

Escalating Observations

Escalator up, down
Sideways in airports
Business suit walks up
Really silly two at a time
Guess he can’t wait
Twenty seconds for the ride
Little kids
Go up the down
Down the up
Often as possible
Until the guard comes
Why go down faster?
I never like down
I get there too fast on my own
The kids are the funnest to watch
Up the down escalator
Like little salmon

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22149 – 721


14 responses to “A Couple Of Short Poems I found In The Files”

  1. achme24gmailcom Avatar

    Oh my…..

    1. Herb Avatar

      Uh huh

  2. James Avatar

    I often feel like I’m going up the ‘down’ escalator…

    1. Herb Avatar

      A lot of days feel like that for me lately.

  3. GP Cox Avatar

    My life has been UP the Down escalator!!

    1. Herb Avatar

      I think it has for many of us. Especially these last few months.

      1. GP Cox Avatar

        Actually, these months, this entire year actually, hasn’t been as rough to deal with as I first thought.

  4. colinmcqueen Avatar

    I can’t stand the bloody things. There is a reason why Led Zep did not write ‘Escalator to Heaven’ – apart from the obvious lack of scansion. Watch the little black hand hold. When it gets to the top, it disappears from sight, and reappears right down at the bottom again. Doesn’t seem to matter whether you go up the down, or down the up, you still end up at the bottom…
    Did I mention that I loved the poems Herb?

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. I wrote that one when I worked at a store that had an escalator. “And she’s buying an escalator to heaven…” Hmmm… I bet Weird Al could make it work.

  5. dumbestblogger Avatar

    It’s been at least a week since I went up the down escelator.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.

  6. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    i prefer to go down the up escalator. If i gotta go down i want to make as slow as possible. Love the poems herb especially the End or Beginning I feel like that every time I finish a tablet

    More laughter is what the world needs

    1. Herb Avatar

      I go up the down one with my grandkids to show them it’s possible.

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