I’ve Been Holding Out On You Guys

I’ve Been Holding Out On You Guys

Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22096-666:

Most Dearly Beloved Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Foundlings, Frogs, Freaks of Nature, and Fierce Advocates,

I have something sort of like a confession to make. I have discovered some posts in one of my 2009 folders that I never got around to reposting here on the site. It was a weird, sad year and we also moved into this hose. house. We didn’t move into a hose, that’s just silly. It might be interesting, at least until someone turned the water on.

My problem is that if I re-post them to the correct date, then the current numbering system would be off. The Herbdate wouldn’t be affected but how do I handle the old stuff? (Yes, I know this is post number 666. For my thoughts about that you can scan my “About Me” page.) I can use the original Herbdate for that post as it’s very easy to figure out.

So, as I’m sitting here talking this out with you I think you’re probably right if you’re thinking what I’m thinking. Since they have never appeared in this iteration of my blog they can be numbered in consecutive order and it isn’t really necessary to post them on the date they were originally. There were some of them that I really like. Especially the scam-baiting ones. I haven’t done any of those in a while and I may start off with the e-mail I got from Warren Buffet. I think that one is too stale-dated. What happens a lot of times with scammers is that the person doing the baiting gives them some name of some famous person and then the scammer turns around and uses their name.

There were a couple of stories I liked too. Anyway, I think I figured it out how I might do it. I think it should look something like:

Herb’s blog, Herbdate 22096-667:
Originally written and/or posted previously elsewhere on Herbdate: 17903 aka 02/10/2009

Title Will Go Here

The next question that comes to mind is whether or not I should edit them but I think I will, at least somewhat. Especially to take out broken links but also to fix them up a bit. I hope you like them. I think my first post like that will be one of my stories. I’m no Bruce at Weave-a-Web and I’m not the Dumbest Blogger Ever, But I like some of my stuff.


13 responses to “I’ve Been Holding Out On You Guys”

  1. Bruce Avatar

    Thank you Herb for linking my humble little blog! I look forward to reading those older unpublished reflections.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks. I hope you’re not disappointed. I have one scheduled to drop in a little over 2 hours.

  2. ellie894 Avatar

    You’ve uncovered buried treasure!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Thanks for the vote of confidence! I have one dropping later this evening.

  3. achme24gmailcom Avatar

    Well at least you like your own stuff that’s important. I kinda like it too 😄

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. Thanks. I don’t like all of it.

  4. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Herb Herb herb So what Stories Happen when they happen I want to Laugh/ cry/ smile/ get angry/ make funny faces at them I care very little how you date them. Just keep sharing them

    Stay well and laugh when you can

    1. Herb Avatar

      Oh. Well, thank you. Yeah, it’s just something to make it a little bit quirky. I hope I haven’t made you angry, but you have come back so I expect it’s not so bad.

  5. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

    Look at the logo. Is that an angry logo to you? I smirk as you scientifically try to figure those dates out

    1. Herb Avatar

      lol. Okay. I’ll take a smirk for a nickel. As long as it isn’t Papa Smirk or especially Baby Smirk…Oh wait…Never mind.

      1. Mr. Ohh's Sideways View Avatar

        I’m rather found of Smirkette, but that might just be a rude fantasy

        1. Herb Avatar

          I, um, try not to post too much blue material.

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