It’s been a while since I have let myself get into the position of not having a post ready to go. I had a couple of ideas and then when I started to work on them I couldn’t get them to work on paper as well as they did in my head. My problem is that I don’t just get rid of them but I keep them floating around somewhere, which is where some of the “Throw-It-Back-Thursday” stuff comes from. Anyway, as you have seen, if you’ve been around here for a while, there are nights I just don’t have anything to say, and I can take a hundred words to say it.

21 responses to “Against The Wall”
Eww. Why did you waste coffee with a stain?
That’s none of your concern, Ben.
The Coastal Town of Coffee Springs is concerned about it. We all should be concerned about coffee. When you are a little older you will understand.
Hmmm ok. I just haven’t fallen in love with coffee yet.
I’m so sorry for you.
Lol. I thoroughly enjoyed reading 100 facts about you. I cracked up laughing when I read “I like my coffee ‘hot and black as the hinges of hell.’”
That was really good!
A bunch of your facts got me laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.
lol. Well, I hope you don’t have asthma attack.
Too late….
Uh-oh! My wife calls that a LOLHAA. Laughing Out Loud Having Asthma Attack.
Your wife is smart!
It just shows where my mind was at.
Ah, I see.
You’re not alone. I draw blanks very often! Not fun.
I know it happens to all of us. But if I don’t make a point of keeping the commitment to at least one post a day then I just drop out of blogging for too long and then I have to apologize to everybody and promise to try to do better, blah-blah-blah.
I hope you don’t actually mean what you just said.
Sadly, yes. I am dreadfully inconsistent with my writing. If you go for a stroll through my archives you will see whole stretches of weeks, months and even years. That was the purpose of my making the promise back in August to post every single day, even if it was just a sentence or two. Getting new readers like yourself is encouraging, as well.
Don’t ever quit. It’s not right. If anyone should feel that way, it’s me.
Blogging streaks happen, but if you stop, I’ll die.
Posting everyday is a HUGE commitment! My goal is to post twice a week, but with COVID-19, I have been able to post four times a week now.
Every blogger is different, and special in their own way.
Than you so much for your encouragement, I really appreciate it. If you follow the progression of it you will see that I have not kept the commitment completely but I have gotten up and dusted myself off and started all over again.
Ok the comments were better than the post. Y’all had me busting up
I like how you used the word “y’all” just then, Amber!
Thanks. I think.