World Poetry Day

World Poetry Day

So, I saw a couple of different places that today is World Poetry Day. This was at the same time I was going through some old junk in my saved folders. I look at stuff I’ve written and a lot of it’s not suitable for publication here. Some of it is just junk, some of it is good, but more personal than I want to get on this type of forum, but sometimes I have found a few that I like for one reason or another, so today I will share a small handful that I think are maybe okay. I don’t have a cool alliterative name like Curmudgeonly Monday or Throw-It-Back-Thursday or I might do this more often. I wouldn’t do five at a time, though. If you can think of a name you can leave it in the comments and I will consider it.

I’ve included five in this offering and one of them is one I consider to be some of my best work, especially of the five but just generally one of my faves. Unrelatedly, I also think it’s funny, especially since it was by accident, that the WordPress software uses a new block style editor. You aren’t stuck with it, however; you can add a plugin for the classical editor or just change individual blocks to the classical editor, but I just thought that Writer’s Block and block editor was kind of funny. Cat Haiku #2 is based on something I saw a barn cat on my uncle’s farm do one time.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these selections.

Writer’s Block # 1

Come on, write something!
Anything!  Stupid pencil!
Where is my muse?
Muse?  Oh Muse…

No Muse.

‘Tis a vile poet indeed
Without a muse.
I suppose a violent poet
Would not amuse.
I once stayed at a vile inn
Where the host played violin

Not amusing.

So I sit here a-musing
Waiting for
My muse to sing…


Hum of unseen Cicadas
                                      Provides Counterpoint to
Hum of unseen highway.

Butterflies flitting about
                                      Contrast prettily
F-16 formation overhead.

Speeding F-250 truck
Mule deer buck.

Cat Haiku #1

Observe now the cat
Kindly owner of humans
Smugness becomes her


Cat Haiku #2

Cat sits on cow’s back
Leaps down after running mouse
The cow does not care


Cat Haiku #3

Hear the lion roar?
“FEED ME!  FEED ME!”  He meows.
My cat is hungry.



Priceless porcelain vase
Brought from China by ancestral sailor
Dropped on floor by me

Slipped right through my hands
No way to stop it
What a wretched accident

Sick feeling in my gut
Watching it smash all over
Gasps and sobs everywhere


9 responses to “World Poetry Day”

  1. Brothers Campfire Avatar

    Every Day is Poetry Day For Galvin The Bard!

    1. Herb Avatar

      Very true! But I’m no Galvin the Bard.

      1. Brothers Campfire Avatar

        Well, one day out of a year is pretty good!

        1. Herb Avatar


  2. Ishaan Sharma Avatar

    Nice poems.

  3. Beverly Avatar

    Nice poems. Thank you.

    So sometimes we abbreviate the days of the week as MON, TUES, WED, THURS, FRI, right? One suggestion is: Words of Expression Day (WED) and post on Wednesday.

    1. Herb Avatar

      Ooo…I do like that idea. Hmmm…

      1. Beverly Avatar

        Great! Something to think about…

  4. […] week Wednesday, for World Poetry Day, I had posted a few of my poems and kind of wondered out loud if I should make it a regular habit, […]

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