While I decide which will be the next philosophical question I pick from the Mystery Blogger Award I was nominated for but haven’t actually done anything for and haven’t attempted to claim which Ben over at Brothers’ Campfire posted some interesting questions as part of and I have been answering a couple of them, or by stopping this silliness, quit it, I bring you this brief interlude.
I want to say a couple of things about Edgar Allan Poe, who is, among others, a personal literary hero of mine.
But, I will be the first to admit, Poe is definitely not for everyone. I really can neither recommend your reading of him nor censure your choice not to read him. However, I will say that if all you know of him are a couple of stories and poems in high school English class, you really don’t know him. And, I like this quote:
Of puns it has been said that those who most dislike them are those who are least able to utter them.
Edgar Allan Poe