Sometimes these little fillers come in handy to help me keep my commitment provide something a little entertaining to read. There are hundreds of these quizzes on How Stuff Works – Play but I don’t do them all the time. Some of them I wouldn’t even get and a few sound like I would find them unsavory. But, I do get a little notification with a daily one and I chose to do this one. This won’t surprise Carter since he is one himself.

10 responses to “Another Test”
[…] friends! I was over at Herb Thiel’s website and saw that he did a quiz […]
well,you HAVE been mistaken for a large sasquatchian creature with no trace of couth or coffee brewing abilities
Hey! I resemble that remark.
I won’t go into all the things you resemble
Well, I do try to run a family friendly site.
Addams Family?
Leave my personal life out of it!
don’t lurch away from it
I’ll try not to before Wednesday.
just don’t let it Fester