Best Advice For Driving On Ice

Best Advice For Driving On Ice


But, if you have to, which sometimes occurs, going slow is the first thing. The first, slightest indication that you are on a slippery surface, slow down. When one of your passengers is an almost ninety year old woman, there are a couple of things you just don’t want to do. You don’t want to get in a collision with another car or even an inanimate object. A curb, a tree, or a ditch can ruin your car’s day pretty seriously. You also want to get home with all of your passengers intact.

We have a fairly steep road up to our house on one side. About halfway up Crestridge avenue I started to feel like I was sliding. When you feel this start, immediately take your foot off the gas and, equally important, which surprises a lot of people who are new to these conditions, don’t step on the brake, either. The only control you have is to steer into the slide trying not to over-correct. If you are fish-tailing to the left, for example, gently turn your wheels to the left. If you have been going slow already, this should help with the worst of it. Sometimes there is nothing you can do at all. It is a sickening feeling when you realize that you have no control whatsoever over what is going to happen, no matter how careful you are.

Thankfully, that didn’t happen this time, but I did wind up sideways in the middle of the road. There is another way to get to my house, so I was able to back up and scootch around and head around the longer block to the other road, which is slightly more traveled. It is a steeper hill, but a shorter distance and I was able to get a “running start” and maintain a good enough rate of speed without sliding to make it to the top. Another danger at a moment like that is that you feel free. Like you’re on the homestretch and what can go wrong a thousand feet from the house? Don’t let that little victory over the hill fool you and lull you into a sense of false security. The road is still icy. Crawl home and safely unload your passengers, then you can breathe.

Free Advice To Passengers

Be quiet. Please. Now is probably not a good time to tell me how your great-uncle Melvin slid on the ice once and plunged off a cliff and died. It is also not a good time to gasp, shriek, scream in terror or start crying. be calm and quiet and let the driver focus on the one thing that you want the driver to be focused on, controlling the car. We drove across half the state of Iowa at five miles per hour in an ice storm that was leaving a trail of jackknifed semis and cars in the ditches, many of whom had passed me earlier, with four perfectly behaved young children, thanks to my wife. This evening I had my adult daughter and almost ninety mother-in-law as passengers. The only thing anyone said was when Grandma told me, “Thanks for being such a careful and safe driver.” As a passenger you can do that in small doses and it is very helpful.


4 responses to “Best Advice For Driving On Ice”

  1. Brothers Campfire Avatar

    Great advice!

  2. Carter Avatar

    stay home

    1. Herb Avatar


  3. Amber Avatar

    True that

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