I Got Tagged

Okay, Daveman tagged me with one of these, so here goes. I really am not a big fan of these…things (What are they called, and why?), but since I am a good sport I will try to think of 7 people that I can tag with it. I think that since Ashley and Nicole don’t feel like they have a lot of readers and Ashley loves to do these things and Nicole hates them, I will start with them. Oh, I can do Mandy, too, because I think she likes them as well. I would tag Soosan, but she is too busy these days with other interests besides blogging (although she does update us sometimes, especially about, oh, some guy or something…*grins and ducks*) so that’s 4. I wonder if Sam and Jinny would be willing to do it? Maybe FGS, and/or Staircase365 which would make 7 or 8. This would give readers a very diverse view, if everybody is nice to me and does it. Now, I also don’t know when everyone has access to computers so the answers may be sporadic, plus I don’t have all of their e-mail addresses, so I will have to tag them through their blog. Please go read them and if you feel like you have something to say, leave a comment. You know how discouraging it is to write and not know anyone wants to read it. I have about 25 blogs that I check regularly, (fortunately many of them update like I do), so it doesn’t always take long. Sometime soon I will do a new list of people who I read often.

Here we go.

7 things that scare me

7 things I like the most

7 important things in my room

7 random facts about me

7 things I plan to do before I die

7 things I can do

7 things I can’t do

7 things I say the most

7 celeb crushes

7 people who will have to do this

7 things that scare me

1) A bug crawling on me that I didn’t expect to be there
2) Bill collectors
3) Rich people (well, okay, they annoy me more than anything…)
4) Funerals
5) Grapefruit
6) The unknown
7) *******

7 things I like the most

1) Wisconsin Cheese
2) Real, fresh from the vat Wisconsin cheese curds
3) Beef
4) Milk straight from the cow
5) Pizza
6) Coca-Cola
7) Mountain Dew

7 important things in my room (This would be on my desk, since that’s where I spend a lot of time)

1) Printer
2) Computer
3) Coca-Cola Calendar
4) Cowboy hats
5) Sunday School book (Yes, Ashley, I can SO find it)
6) Coca-Cola telephone Abby (My daughter) gave me for Christmas
7) Writer’s Digest Magazine (Leave me alone, Ashley, I can find stuff, okay?)

7 random facts about me

1) I snore
2) I love to read Shakespeare
3) I love to write
4) I am 5’ 8” tall
5) I dress myself
6) I collect Coca-Cola paraphernalia
7) I can spell paraphernalia without spell checker

7 things I plan hope to do before I die

1) See Shakespeare performed in London
2) Visit Ireland and learn about my ancestors
3) Make money writing
4) *********************************************
5) Tour the Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta, GA.
6) Ride in a balloon
7) Go to Australia

7 things I can do

1) Read
2) Write
3) Wear a cowboy hat
4) Talk wit’ a Shawano accent once, hey.
5) Talk like a Menom, en so horse. Chrysler, bubba, you don’t know what a ‘nom is?
6) Talk for hours about something I feel strongly about.
7) Anything I want to learn that someone will teach me.

7 things I can’t do

1) ‘Rithmetic
2) Drive a semi
3) *********************************************
4) Y’know, really, there is not too much that I can’t do if someone will just take the time to teach me.

7 things I say the most

1) If everyone would just listen to me, we’d all be a lot better off.
2) They didn’t ask me, did they?
3) Huh?
4) Was that your mom yelling for me?
5) Yes, dear.
6) I love you!
7) That’s nastier than Carter’s feet and Daveman’s undies combined. (Okay, maybe I don’t have occasion to ever say that because nothing like that could possibly exist, but I might sometimes…Maybe one of Carter’s exes…? Never mind.)

7 celeb crushes

I haven’t owned a TV since 1988 and try not to support Hollyweird and Mad Ave so I really don’t know any celebs. I was never a big celeb crush person anyway.

7 people who will have to do this I hope will do this:

1) Ashley http://ashleylintner.blogdrive.com/
2) Nicole http://nicoler.blogdrive.com/
3) Mandy http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=crzytexaschiq
4) Soosan http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=sbalak
5) Sam http://samsam.blogdrive.com/
6) Jinny http://jincruise.blogdrive.com/
7) Fat Girl Slim http://fatgirlslim.blogdrive.com/
8) Staircase 365 http://staircase365.blogdrive.com/

Remember, the good book says, A Local Area Network in Australia is the LAN down under.

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